The Spiral Begins

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 (Viewpoint of Jack)

We meet up with my friends and start to head to our living quarters. "Christ this is a bad situation" I say as we walk to the portal. "So now we have people that want to kill us inside of the city that is supposed to be safe!" I start to say angrily. "It won't happen anymore, the guards will be on lookout 24/7 now" Caoimhe says. "How can you be sure they won't have slips, or that they don't have the cults sympathizers inside their numbers" I whip back aggressively. "I can't be certain, but I promise you there will be no more attacks" She says unsure of herself. "To top it off they are going to start going insane, this is not good, we need to fix this" I whisper, getting right in her face. "We will find a way to fix that, I promise you that they won't go down that path" She whispers getting right in my face. "How, how are we going to fix this" I whisper getting closer in. "I may know a guy that deals with this sort of things, I'm sure he can help" She says inching her face until our noses almost touch.

"So uhhh, you guys gonna make out or should we keep moving?" Nate snickers. Unbeknownst to either Caoimhe or I, we had stopped in the middle of the street like this while the others kept walking. I could see the pooling in her cheeks. "Heh, cute" I think to myself. "No, let's keep moving" i say walking back to the group with Caoimhe close behind.

(Perspective of Caoimhe)

I walk behind Jack coming up to the group, trying to fight off my sudden blush. "What the hell is wrong with me, he isn't that attractive, or charming" I think to myself. "I don't like the way his facial hair just clings to his skin, accentuating his great bone structure, or the way his breath constantly smells slightly cinnamon apple" I continue thinking. "Or how his tattoos wrap around his muscular body, like some piece of artwork" I tell myself. I could feel my blush getting heavier as I shake my head out of those thoughts. "No, he's harsh and violent, I don't think these things" I keep thinking "Although it shows how much he cares about his friends". I don't notice that i'm staring at his butt while we walk until i see a bird in my face. "You alright there miss Caoimhe" Michael asks me. "Yes, i'm just thinking about this situation" I chuckle.

(Perspective of Jack)

"Why am I so itchy" Taylor says, grabbing at her clothes. "You alright sweetie?" Charlyse asks her. "No, i'm uncomfortable, I need to take some of this off" Taylor replies. She suddenly rips off her left sleeve and starts making rips in her shirt. "Baby, what are you doing?!" Charlyse asks her worriedly. "It's hot and itchy!" Taylor exclaims, ripping parts in her pants. "You alright there girl?" Nate asks her, giving her a funny look. "Now I am, i feel great!" She says happily. "Gimme a kiss honey!" she yells before smacking a Big wet kiss on Charlyse's face. My face twists into worry as I look back at Caoimhe. "It's already happening" I mouth to her. "Everyone, let's hurry up" Caoimhe says walking faster. We reach the portal as Caoimhe sets it for Upper American. "Come on, everybody in" she ushers as we go to walk in.

(Perspective of a hooded figure)

"So it's already happening" I say to my acquaintance aside me. "Looks to be that way" he says to me. I walk forwards to the edge of the roof we are on, overlooking the portal house. "This'll be easier than we expected" I say chuckling. "The tall woman and tall man are very powerful Sentinels, do not underestimate them" my friend says. "Come on, you're forgetting who we are" I chuckle, jumping off the roof backwards and darting to the portal in a black smoke form."I suppose you're right, we know how to kill Sentinels" my friend laughs evilly before dashing forwards to the portal in a leafy form.

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