Tough Choice

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"You don't want to ask them first?" the Progenitor asks me. "They'll say no, I can already see it" I say. "This world is too dangerous for them, they aren't real Sentinels and they are relying on drugs to make them not kill each other" I say in anger. "Too dangerous for them, what about you?" he asks me. "You said it yourself, I'm Arkyn reincarnated, that sounds like a lot of power to me" I answer. "And tell me, can they get any more powerful?" I ask him. "They can get more skilled" he says. "Can they get more powerful?" I ask again. "No, they are just borrowing power, they have none themselves, so they are limited to the power of the previous user" he answers me. "They will die without getting stronger, and I'm not letting that happen sir" I tell him.

"But what about you?" he asks. "I'd rather see them alive and happy without me there, than to watch them be killed" I answer. "So you would take the pain and loneliness of missing your friends?" he asks me. "I'm already going to have to do it with one" I answer. "I'm proud of you, you are showing responsibility and self suffering for the good of others" The Progenitor tells me. "Let's hope you keep this good resolve and not follow the path of your predecessor" he says with a smile. "Tomorrow we go through with it, I want to have one last day with them" I say before getting and leaving through the portal.

I appear in the Meeting Room to see a few people cleaning up, and my friends in the corner. I walk over to them and Viktoria pops up and hugs me. "Jack, I love youuuuu!" she screeches. I could smell the strong alcohol on her breath, she must be an affectionate drunk. "Alright Viktoria calm down, you can hug me more later I guess" I tell her, picking her up and depositing her on the table. "Taylor, Charlyse make sure she gets home safe" I tell them. "Don't worry about it" Taylor says. "Oh, and come by my place tomorrow, I want to have a friends night" I tell them. "Alright, we'll be there" Charlyse answers.

I make my way back home, still thinking about this situation. I could tell Viktoria was coping by drinking a lot and trying to forget what went on, she might be more devastated than me. Once I hit the meadow in the English district, I start to think about all of our adventures together. The ones before this Sentinel thing were great, but the ones that happened after feel more..... real. I start to tear up once I think about them not being in my life anymore. I know i'm making the right choice but, it still kills me.

I finally arrive home and hit the shower, where more thoughts creep into my head. Thoughts of guilt and of sorrow. I am somewhat responsible for Nate's death, and all of this insanity bullshit. If I hadn't brought them along then they would all be living happy lives, oblivious of this part of the world. At least they are returning to that blissful ignorance. I get out of the shower and head instantly to bed, nightmares greeting me once again.

The next morning I get up and start preparing for tonight. Knock knock knock. I hear my door and walk to it to find the Progenitor standing at the other side. "Did you tell them?" He asks me. "No" I say letting him and closing the door. "Why not?" he asks. "I want it done without them knowing" I tell him. "I want to spare them the grief and worry" I say. "It's your decision, I assume you will give me a signal?" he asks. "Yes, you'll know when you see it" I tell him. The Progenitor leaves and lets me finish preparing for my last night with my friends.

I finish very early and decide to head to the nearby park. I walk through and think about how different my life will be here. Living here will be very different from normal life. I guess i'm going to get paid by the Council, I haven't received any Dirua yet. I sit on a bench and watch the ongoing festivities. There's a music festival going on, people dancing and singing and having fun. I doubt that's how my life will be.

I stay in the park for hours, figuring out the differences I will encounter. I head back to my room and wait for my friends. Eventually I hear knocking and I go to answer it, but Viktoria practically barges through it. "You're not even sad!" she yells. "Look, I don't show emotion for death, that's just me" Taylor defends herself. "He's your friend, and my boyfriend, and you couldn't even show a little sympathy at the funeral!" Viktoria yells. "I'm not gonna repeat myself" Taylor says. "You're a bi-!" Viktoria goes to say before I step in. "Hey, that's enough, can't we just enjoy a nice night together" I plead. "Look, everything past this point is going to be hectic for us, we might get this chance for a long time" I say. "He's right, please don't fight you two" Charlyse joins me. "I- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you" Viktoria say to Taylor. "I'm sorry that I didn't look sad, I just have trouble showing emotion most of the time. They hug for what seems like an hour and sit in my couch. "So, what are we doin tonight" Charlsye asks.  

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