~Chapter 7~

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"I know you still love him, and that he will always have a piece of your heart. If you're not ready to say you love me you don't have to!" He said. I looked down.

"I'm sorry, Dean!" I said. He walked over to me wrapping his arms around my waist. 

"Baby, it's only been a few hours that you found out he's alive. If you need to take time off on us to figure out what you want. I understand. If were you I would have chosen you in a heartbeat!" He said. I looked at him. 

"No Dean I don't want time off!" I said. He kissed my forehead. 

"I know how hard it will be for you to say that since I've been here for you since that night, so I will for you!" He said. I wanted him to stop not to say what I think he was gonna say. "I'm giving you some time to figure out what you want ok?" He said. And for some reason, I knew I needed this. "I will still help you with Lincon and be here to kiss you if you need. And be on call if you need a cuddle buddy!" He said. I hugged him tightly. 

"Thank you, Dean!" I said. He hugged me back kissing my head. 

"Anything for your happiness!" He said. We pulled back from the hug. 

"Can you be here when dad drops off Lincon?" I asked. He said yes even tho he knew where I was going. 

"Of course!" He said. He went to move but I pulled him in for a kiss. 

I walked out the room and walked to the bathroom and grabbed my jean shorts slipping them on. I put on my slip-on shoes and walked out to my car which Tyler gladly brought back last night. I sighed starting the car and backed out of the driveway and headed to the house I never expected to go to again. Getting through the gates were easy since everyone knew me. But facing him again was gonna be the hard part. I got out of the car to be brought into hugs by Kevin and Creek. 

"Hey, Mel!" They both said. I looked at them. I hit them both on the back of the head. "Ouch!" 

"That's for knowing he's alive and not fucking telling me!" I snapped. They both looked down. "But I'm over it!" I mumbled. Then their happy faces were back.  

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