~Chapter 35~

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Getting out of the bath I dried my hair as my naked body dripped on the floor. I placed the towel around me as Brett wraps his towel around his naked body. I walked up to the mirror and didn't look at myself more than 10 seconds without hating the person I am. "Don't do that!" Brett said. I looked at him in the mirror. "Don't look at yourself that way. When I look at you I see a beautiful creation that I get to call mine!" He said walking up to me and wrapping his arms around me. His chest flat against my back. 

"I see a strong, amazing woman who fights for what or who she believes in no matter the cost. I see a woman that I fell in love with at the age of 5 because I saw nothing but love and light around her. I wanted her light to cloud my darkness and make me who I am. I saw the only person in the world who could see the good in every bad situation!" He said. I looked at myself again and I honestly felt a little different. "Yes, we all have our flaws baby, but you used yours in a good way. You tried to take a life but decided to let one walk the earth. You switched the role and made so many people proud. You made your mother proud!" He said. I look at his eyes. 

"I really hope so!" I mumbled. He turned me around to look at him. He placed his thumb on my lip and his pointer finger on my chin. 

"She is more than proud, I know she is!" He said. I smiled and so did he. "God I love your smile baby!" He said. I felt my heart flutter and my cheeks start to heat up. My eyes scanned his and I felt like a kid again. He pulled my body closer to his as his lips danced with mine. I sighed when he released me. "Get dressed and we'll head to your father's house for a family cookout!" He said. 

"Wait, we can't!" I said. He looked at me with a questioning look. "Liem and his mother are coming over for dinner. I had invited dad over for dinner. You staying for dinner?" I asked. 

"Of course baby, I do have to go somewhere for a few but I'll be back before dinner!" He said. I smiled as he places a kiss on my cheek. 

His Passive Obsession. (Part 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora