~Chapter 41~

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Brett's P.O.V

When I asked her if he talked to her and she was clueless to who the 'he' person was I knew he hasn't. I stare at her face to remember her happy face. She will never be that happy when he goes. How could he not tell her? Is he waiting until he's on his deathbed to tell her? "Brett?" Sam says. I look at him and Dean. 

"What?" I asked. 

"Why are you trying to throw a wedding in less than two weeks? Did you even purpose to Mel?" Dean asked. 

"I'm tired of your questions, I don't pay you to talk." I said. I was too stressed. 

"Well, I don't care. You're acting like a madman. What's going on that's so bad to make you want to hurry up and get married? You have enough money so what is it?" He asked. I looked at Kevin. 

"Dean just go back to-." Sam started. 

"Timony has cancer." I said. 

"What?" Sam asked. 

"I found out a few days ago. Mel's dream is to get married, with her dad giving her away. I am going to make that happen." I said. Dean (who has been quiet) looks at me. 

"Does Mel know?" He asked. I saw the worry in his eyes. 

"One minute you care about her the next you don't then you do again?" I asked. He takes a step forward. 

"I back down for her. Not you. I still love her but if it means she's happy with you then so be it. I don't need you rubbing it all in my face. You know what? I'm done. You can find someone else because I'm not your slave. And I will be damned if I let you treat me as if I were." He said. He turned around and went to walk out but Sam grabbed him. 

"You owe him, Dean. Or did you forget why you even signed up for this job in the first place?" Sam said. 

"No, Sam let him go. But just know that means you owe me $300,000,000 and after that's paid you are to never come back. Not to the warehouse or Mel's. You want to act like a spoiled rotten kid by all means leave. But if you step a foot near here or near Mel I will have you shot on sight." I said. He glared at me. 

"What will Mel say?" He asked. 

"You owe me. This has nothing to do with her. I could care less about you but since Sam and I are good friends I'm actually giving you a chance out without bloodshed." I said. 

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