~Chapter 15~

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"Alright, guys that's the end of today. I'll you on Thursday!" I said. My job? Oh, an art teacher. When you hear art teacher you think of school, right? Well, I own a studio where I work alone every day besides Mondays, Saturdays, and Sundays. Pays well and the kids are great. 

"Miss, Black!" My student Liem said walking up to me. I turned to look at him. He was 18ish and had a passion for art. He was one of my best students. 

"Yes?" I asked. He smiled. 

"My mother wanted to thank you for how much you helped me embrace my art skills by dinner!" He said. I smiled. 

"Well, she is very kind but things at home have been very stressful. I have to take a rain check!" I said. He nods. He had a painting in his hand which didn't look completely finished. "May I?" I asked holding out my hands for the painting. He hands it to me. It was a woman sitting next to a window crying. A man stood just below the window kissing another woman. The painting was amazing and held so much emotion. I knew exactly what he was trying to say. 

"I haven't finished it!" He said. I looked at him and smiled. 

"Tomorrow night at my place, around 7!" I said. He smiled. 

"Ok, I will let mom know!" He said getting ready to turn away. 

"Liem!" I called after him. "You're very talented!" I said. I turned back to my desk and started to clean up my desk. 

"This is where you do all your teaching?" I heard. I turned and looked at him. 

"Yeah, it's not much but it's perfect for the building and messes... Did you need something?" I asked. He smiled. 

"Yeah!" He said. I crossed my arms. 

"What did you need?" I asked. He walked over to me and leaned on my desk. 

"To see you!" He said. I smiled. 

"Brett, your sweet and all but get off my desk!" I giggled touching his nose with paint on my finger. He made an 'O' shape with his mouth and dipped his hand in the blue paint that happened to be sitting next to him opened. 

"Oh you think that's funny do you?" He asked wiping it on my cheek. I dipped my hand in the red paint next to me and flung it on his white button-up shirt. He flung some at me and the next 10 minutes was filled with paint going everywhere in the room and most importantly on us. He looked like 4th of July exploded on him. I slipped on some paint and he caught me wiping it all over my shirt and smacking my ass so I had a hand print on my ass. 

"OK, ok!" I said getting up. He chuckles and goes to move my hair out of my face. 

"Look at you!" He laughs. 

His Passive Obsession. (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now