~Chapter 25~

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"Well, we have to go to his dad's old office!" He said. I looked at Brett. 

"We can do that later!" He said. 

"Actually, the guys had said someone's been peeking around there. If we do it later whatever they've been peeking around for may be gone. I really think we should go!" He said. I gave Brett a look. 

"Fine, Mel?" Brett said. 

"What?" I asked. 

"You give the order on what we should do!" He said. I look between Tyler and Brett. 

"Send Kevin, Creek, Sam and yourself to do the digging. Noemi, Dean, and David on guard. Whoever has been peeking around will be caught. I understand you and Sam don't get along but if you two can't get along for this mission then you don't deserve to be, by Brett's side. Don't screw this mission up because of your guy's disagreements. If something goes wrong or comes up Brett or I am the first to be called!" I said. Tyler just smiled looking at me. 

"Why haven't you let her be in charged before?" He asked. Brett smiled down on me. 

"I have no idea why it didn't come up!" He said. I looked at Tyler. 

"Call everyone I named off and have them meet at the office in the warehouse!" I said. Tyler nod and walked away. I turned to Brett. 

"You're sexy when you take charge!" He said. 

"Do you still have my old work out outfits?" I asked. He walked to the closet and all my old clothes were there. When I found out about him being gone I couldn't bear being in the house again so I left everything behind. I had told Creek to throw them out but I guess Brett being alone decided against it. 

"I wasn't getting rid of them anytime soon. Definitely, not when your sexy ass fits them so perfectly!" He said. 

"Are you gonna go to the warehouse with me?" I asked. 

"I can't!" He said. I frowned. He placed his thumb on my chin and his pointer finger under it. His finger rubbed my lip. "Smile beautiful. You had Tyler call Creek and Dean which means no one is gonna be at the house to watch Lincon. So I'm gonna stay with him!" He said. My frown turned into a smile and his eyes lit up. "There we go!" He said bringing his lips down to mine. "Don't go and get yourself into trouble. I would hate to have to be a hero. Actually, I would love to but I would hate to have to go to jail because I killed someone!" 

"You've killed a bunch of people and yet I don't see you behind bars!" I said. I turned to the closet and he smacked my butt. 

"You know what I mean!" He said. I grabbed out a sports bra and some work out leggings and placed them on the bed. I began to take off his shirt as I hear his footsteps to the door. I heard the door shut and his footsteps get closer to me. "You want me to help you out of those clothes?" He asked. I looked at him. 

"No actually, they're surprisingly easy to get off by myself. But thanks!" I said. He smirked. He pulled me to his chest. 

"I wasn't actually asking!" He said. 

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