~Chapter 52~

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Melody's P.O.V
I take a deep breath and walk out of the bathroom. Dad smiles. "I thought you would never get out of there." He said wrapping me in his arms. I felt my eyes sting and a tear rolled down my eyes. "Come on let's go sit down." He said. I nod wiping my tears.

Nicole left the room as dad sat down on the couch. Bret was standing next to the chair that I was sitting on. Lincoln and Liam were sent in the room. I looked down.

"The past couple of days have been hell. I've been having problems standing, walking, sleeping, and eating. It's no secrets I'm dying." Dad said. A tear slid down my cheek as I looked at him. "I told myself that it was time for me to go. That my time has ended. But then Nicole asked me a question. She asked me if it was my turn to go then why was there a cure?" He said.

"Because it's your second chance," I said. He nodded.

"Last night Nicole and I went up to the hospital so they can run some tests. I decided to take the cure." He said. The joy my heart felt was like a weight lifted. "I've been taking it for the past week. But the Doctor said the change of it working is slim. I took it too late. But my last dose was last night. The test showed up and its working." He said. I hugged him tightly.

"Thank you for not leaving me." I cried. He chuckled.

"I would never." He said.

"Mel, be careful with him he's still recovering," Bret said. I pulled back.

"I'm sorry," I said laughing between my cries. Dad smiled.

"I wanted to tell you something else." He said.

"Ok," I said.

"I like Nicole. A lot. If it's ok with you I would like to ask her to be my girlfriend." He said. I giggled.

"Dad you are welcome to date anyone you like. I think she's perfect for you." I said. He smiled.

"Thank you peanut." He said. I nodded.

"I told you he wasn't going to be giving you bad news," Bret said. I looked at him.

"Did you know?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Nope. But I know your dad. He always makes the right decisions." He said. For the first time in a long time, I was happy. "Go on get ready for your book interview," Bret said. I nodded.

After an hour I was ready. I grabbed my notes and book. I grabbed my phone and my purse. Bret smiled. "What?" I asked. He shook his head.

"You're really beautiful." He said. I smiled. He pulled me to him. "You know I loved the book." He said.

"You read it?" I asked. He nodded. "Anything I missed?" I asked.

"Only the fact that the good guys always get the girl." He said. I giggled.

"Is that right?" I asked. He nodded.

"I love you beautiful." He said.

"I love you too," I said. He bent down and kissed me.

"I'll see you when you get back." He said. I nodded. He walked me out to my car and kissed me once more before I left.

When I got to the restaurant Peter met me outside with a smile. "You must be Melody Bla- Taylor." He said. I smiled. I shook his hand.

"You must be Peter Charleston," I said.  He smiled.

"Shall we sit?" He asked.

"Yes," I said. He holds open the door for me and we walk to our table. We sit down and we order.

"So tell me something about you." He said.

"Like what?" I asked.

"Who was is that you married?" He asked.

"Is this apart of the book questions Mr. Charleston?" I asked. He chuckled.

"You may call me Peter." He said.

"Well, Peter with all due respect I don't see how marriage is relevant to the book or our conversation," I said.

"Enlighten me." He said leaning back in his chair. "What is this book about?" He asked.

"Well you read it, how about you tell me what it's about," I said.

"A billionaire with a secret and a taste for blood. Another billionaire with the burden of having a father with secrets and a love for an outsider. Father and son fight over this outsider and both end up dead." He said.

"I thought you said you were a publisher?" I asked.

"I am." He said.

"Really? And do you ever read the fine print to a story?" I asked.

"What do you mean exactly?" He asked.

"Two identities. One a murdered and one a hero. Both to the top with riches but completely different ways of getting there. The father aka the murder runs a secret mafia to build his empire. The hero aka the son builds his empire from the ground using every bit of money he had in his pocket while still giving back to the poor."

"You see Peter you completely read the book wrong. The outsider was a girl from the completely different side of the tracts. She thought she had her life planned out. She gets a crazy idea that meeting the riches guy and to write make a movie. But she learns she entered a war brewing between father and son."

"She was forced to hang around the hero not that the minded. She learns there was more to him then what he fronted. She finds herself falling in love with a guy who had more heart than the average human. When the father found out she was getting too close he refused to let her live."

"The hero and the murder went face to face at the end of their rope. A fire that doomed to happen had finally come up. The hero wanting to protect the very thing he loved sacrificed himself. He was named the hero because he gave up so much for one outsider. Which is why I decided to make this story because it proves that labels are just that. A billionaire gave up his money and his castle for a girl who struggled for money." I leaned back in my chair.

"That there is the love story of the century," I said. He smiled.

"I'm impressed. You are an amazing writer." He said leaning over the table. "How is Bret doing?" He asked.

"How do- what are you- I'm leaving," I said standing up. He chuckled.

"My nephew was never one to settle down." He said. I was shocked, to say the least.

"You're Bret's Uncle?" I asked. He stood up.

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