~Chapter 20~

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My phone rang and I grabbed it out of my pocket. "Hello?" I asked. Brett backed up a bit. 

"Hey, where are you?" Dean asked. 

"Ah, I had to go to Brett's place so he could grab some paperwork or something. Why?" I asked. 

"Nothing, your dad dropped Lincon off!" He said. 

"Ok!" I said. 

"Um, there's one more thing!" He said. I looked at Brett. 

"Ok, what is it?" I asked. 

"I know I called the break to help you straighten out your head but I kinda did something!" He said. 

"What?" I asked. 

"Well, you see I got drunk and Noemi came over to my place and things kinda just ended up in the bed!" He said. I rolled my eyes. "I really like her and I think that she could be the one. Please don't hate me!" He said. I giggled. 

"I could never hate you, Dean!" I said. 

"Do me a favor and don't tell Brett yet, I like watching him struggle thinking he could get replaced!" He said. I smiled. 

"Got it!" I said. He said goodbye then hung up. 

"What did he want?" Brett asked. I smiled. 

"To see if he could come over tonight!" I said. He smiled. 

"Don't lie to me. You said you could never hate him. Don't tell me, he and Noemi finally got together?" he asked. I gave him a weird look. 

"Wait! What do you mean finally?" I asked. 

"Noemi, use to work for me until she moved upstate for a few years for college. Dean had a huge crush on her!" He said. 

"So you tell him to love me and protect me?" I asked. 

"Well, I knew he loved you but I love you more and with me in the picture he has no chance!" He said. 

"Oh, you think he has no chance?" I asked. He smiles and pulls me into his arms. 

"I know he has no chance!" He said. I smiled as he brings me close. "No chance at you being his, no chance at replacing me in Lincon's life, no chance at touching you in places only I can face it, baby, he's got no chance!" He breathed as he went close to my neck.  

"Brett!" I breathed. I knew I was losing myself all over again. The heat rushing to my core became a toxic drug I craved. I wanted more, needed more. 

"Mel!" He breathed back. He knew exactly what he was doing to me, so he continued to do so. He placed kisses along my collarbone and to my chest. I let out a moan. I felt him tense, then his kisses became fast. It's like hearing me in pleasure gives him a rush. "I want to make you mine again but-!"

"Do it!" I breathed. He moved his head back so he could read my eyes. 

"Are you sure that's what you want?" He asked. That's when everything came rushing in. I was now aware of everything. I stared at his eyes and watched him struggle to keep calm. 

"What I want is to not lose you again. To not have to make my son visit a grave again. To not have to worry whether or not your gonna have time for him or me. I just want you but I don't want how it use to be, where you worked all time!" I said. He smiles. 

"Is that what you want?" He repeated. I waited for him to answer then I realized he was being serious. 

"Yes, Brett. That, this is what I want. You are what I want. What Lincon wants!" I said. 

His Passive Obsession. (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now