~Chapter 48~

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Melody's P.O.V
1 week later.

"Dad hurry up!" I yelled up the steps. We were at Brett's mansion because he had hired a bunch of stylists. For my hair, my makeup, clothes, and extra​. But once we were done we had to meet up at the warehouse where we are having the wedding. Dad was weak but he could walk.

"Ok, ok jeez. I'm only an old man." He said walking down the steps. Creek smiled at me.

I had a strapless wedding dress that was white with rhinestones on the top that was tight. The bottom was lost and followed wide. My hair was down but in waves of curls, tiny diamond clips held it together. For my shoes, I deciding heels was out of my vocabulary so I shoe some white flower designed tennis shoes. I wasn't one for heels and these were perfect for it. And how can you trips on these? Dad wore a black suit with a bow tie. He had his hair pushed to the side. He looked good. Don't weird it out. My bridesmaid dresses were the ones my mom had had me wear at her wedding, of course, it wasn't the same one but close to it. My bridesmaids were Sarah one of the trainers. She and I become close over the 5 years. Another was Tina Brett's cousin's girlfriend. And Nicole.

"You look beautiful baby girl," Dad said. I smiled.

"Well, it's almost time. Any second thought?" Creek asked me. I stared at the two slider doors waiting for me to walked out them. My mind raced to my family. Lincoln, Bret, Dad, Creek, and some many others. I sighed.

"Non at all," I said. He smiled. He kissed my hand.

"You look beautiful." He said walking out. I sucked in a deep breath. Dad grabbed my hand and I wrapped it around his arm.

"After the wedding, I have a surprise for you." He said. I looked at him as we started walking down the aisle.

"Which is?" I asked.

"You have to wait to find out." He said. I smiled. "I know I didn't trust him before but he's given me so many reasons to trust him. I'm glad you have his baby girl." Dad said. We heard the music playing as we walked down. I stared at Brett and Lincoln who happened to be the ring barrier. We get up to Brett. Dad and him shake hands as he hands me to Brett. We look at father Roy as he starts.

"Please say your vows." He said as Brett and I turned to each other.

"Riley, it's been 6 long years since I first walked into your aunt's house. Since I first seen you smiled. Before our lives got a little complicated. But no matter what had happened or what will happen I would go through it all over again just for a moment like this. I may not be the best person sometimes but I've never met someone who trusted me more then I did. Someone who had the most love in her heart. I've dreamed of making you my wife since the second I knew you were my weakness. And this family we have started I will fight for every day." He said. Tears escaped my eyes and let out a breath of air.

"Sorry," I said dabbing them away. Everyone chuckled. "Brett, ever since I was a little girl I've dreamed of being a princess with a prince and soon becoming a queen with a little prince of my own. And owning a castle for which we would spend our days. I want to thank you for making my dreams come true. I tasted what it feels like to not have you and it broke me more then anyone can possibly imagine.  I am glad you are my husband and your here to stay." I said. He smiled.

"You may now kiss the bride." Father Roy said. I smiled. Brett pulled me to him and pressed his lips to mine.

"Ewwww." I heard Lincoln say. Brett and I looked back at him. "Dats dross." He said walking off the stage. I laughed as did everyone else.

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