~Chapter 53~

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"Hello, Melody my name is Jack Taylor." He said. I tugged out my phone. "When I heard the news about him dying I knew I had to reach out. I tried his men but they all refused to listen. I tried his stepbrother but he refused to listen. I knew there was no way Bret could be dead. Which also meant his father wasn't dead either. Melody if what you wrote in this book is true then I need to talk to Bret."

"If you went 5 years without either of them popping up then that means his father has something very bad in mind. Do you want Lincoln to get caught in that?" He asked. I looked at him. I dialed Bret's number and let it ring.

"Hello, beautiful how'd the interview go?" He asked.

"Zack Taylor is standing in front of me," I said.

"What!?" He said.

"He needs to talk to you," I said.

"Baby walk out now." He said.

"It's about your father," I said.

"I'll be there in 5 minutes." He said.

"No, we'll meet you at the warehouse," I said.

"Ok, but whatever you do, don't get into the same car as him." He said. I heard his car turn on.

"Ok," I said. Zack looked worried. Bret hung up and I took out my keys. "Follow me with your car," I said.

"Of course." He said. I backed up and walked out and got into my car. I drove to the warehouse and quickly got out. Bret walks up to me and wraps his arms around me.

"You ok baby?" He asked. I nodded. He kisses my lips softly and hugs me.

"Bret I'm ok," I said. His heart raced.

"You mentioned my father and I got scared." He said. I put my hand on his cheek.

"Relax. I'm ok." I said. He took a deep breath and slowly let go of me. A car pulls in and Jack walks out of it. Bret stands in front of me.

"Hello, nephew." He said walking up to us.

"Jack what are you doing here? My father's gone so what could you possibly say?" He said. I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"He thinks your father is alive," I said looking at the ground. I felt Bret move.

"He's not alive I didn't risk everything for him to make it out of that house." I heard him roar. I flinched. I wasn't scared of him just his tone. I knew he would never hurt me.

"Bret calm down." I heard David. He walked up as Bret turns to look at me. "You're scaring her." He said. I looked to the side.

"Is it possible for him to be alive?" I asked still looking at the ground. When he didn't answer I looked at him. "Is it possible?" I asked.

"I don't know." He said quietly. I took a deep breath. "I shot him and blew up the house." He said. I was shocked. I didn't know he blew it up I figured that was his dad.

"How did you survive?" I asked quietly. He looks at the ground.

"He stabbed me and I shot him. I blew it up as soon as I made it outside." Bret said. My heart raced.

"Bret, if your father is still alive, is there a chance that he's working with-" David started.

"He definitely is," Bret said. I looked at David and Bret.

"Working with who?" I asked. Bret looked at me. He didn't look like he was going to answer. I looked at David. But he also looked like he wasn't going to say anything.

"Bobby." I heard. I looked at Jack.

"What?" I asked. I didn't understand who that was. But by the way, Bret reacted I should. Bret growled.

"What do you know?" Bret asked. Jack keep his eyes on me.

"The more important question is what have you been hiding from her?" He asked. I looked at Bret.

"Why does that name sound familiar?" I asked. He looked at me.

"Because he's the reason you almost died." I heard Creek say. I looked at him. Then I thought.

"Uncle, why do you hurt me? I thought you said you loved me!" I pled. His eyes trained on my naked body as he went inside me.

"Don't worry kitten it won't hurt when
feature husband will not want me after he finds out I lost my Innocents!" I cried.

"You're a whore you will not find a husband you will always be a sex slave if not to me but then to someone else. They will see you as no more than a toy!" he roared in anger.

My body started to shake and I lost my balance but Creek caught me. My eyes filled with tears. I looked up at Bret. He looked scared. "You knew? You knew he was alive and didn't tell me?" I asked. Tears raced down my cheeks.

"Baby, I didn't want you to worry. I thought that I could-."

"You thought wrong. You don't get it. He made it his life's mission to be with me or kill me. I have a son to think about. You have a son to think about. I could have gotten him out of town. We could have figured this out together but you thought you could be some kind of hero?" I said. I felt my heart.

"Mel I-." Bret started.

"Creek have my dad take Nicole, Liam, and Lincoln out of town. Whatever he needs for money have him take it out of my savings." I said. Creek hesitated to move but he did. I took a deep breath.

"No!" Bret yelled. I looked at him.

"I'm not having my kid in the middle of this. This started with Bobby, your father, you and me. Once this is done and over with you and me are done. You can take your silly little ring back." I said. He looked hurt.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because marriage is about trust. And you couldn't even trust me with this. What if something happened to Lincoln? What would you have done then?" I asked?

"I'm sorry." He said. I looked at Jack and David.

"Jack and David follow me," I said. I turned around and walked into the warehouse. Same greeted me at the door to the gym.

"Hello princess." He said hugging me. I hugged him back.

"Hey, Sam," I said. He looked at me with a worried look.

"What's up?" He asked.

"I need your help," I said. He looked serious.

"Anything you need." He said. I nodded. I walked to the table Bret had in the corner. I noticed papers scattered over it. Some files on me and Bret. Some pictures of me over the past five years. Some of Lincoln and Dean.

"Jack tell me everything you know," I said feeling my anger boil.

"When I heard about the fight between Bret and his father I tried to reach out. But got nowhere. I was at a bar one night talking to some guy named Rider when a guy walked up to me. Said his name was Bobby and he knew where I could find Michael. But I thought he was lying because Michael was supposed to be dead." Jack said. I let out a breath of air. "When I read your book I knew I had to find you. To warn you." He said.

"What's going on?" I heard. I turned to see Dean. He was wearing sweatpants with no shirt. He had on gloves. His hair freshly shaved. His colon reached faded my senses. I looked to the side. "Why is Mel here?" He asked.

"Because she has all access." I heard Bret answer. I turned to Jack.

"If I wanted to find Bobby where would I look?" I asked.

His Passive Obsession. (Part 2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant