~Chapter 32~

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Brett's P.O.V

I reach Timothy's house as 2 am rolls around. I knocked on the door and lucky a minute later the door opened. "Brett? It's 2 am, why are you knocking at my door?" He asked. I knew he just got out of work and the last thing he would want to do is talk about the past but I really needed to know. 

"I have plenty of questions I need to ask if you have the time?" I asked. 

"I wasn't really tired and I could use the company... Alright but no more than an hour or two. If my baby girl is left alone any longer then that I will personally send you to hell!" He said stepping back into the house. I followed him to his living room as he grabs out a bottle of Jack Daniels. He grabs two glasses and sits down next to me pouring he and I a glass. He hands me the glass and looks at me. "What's this about?" He asked. 

"Mel told me about what happened when she was 5. When she went to the ER?" His emotion harden. 

"I don't ever talk about that day to anyone!" He says getting pissed. I sighed. 

"I came here as a friend but really it's business. But I want to try to make a bond with you for Mel's sake so can you at least try to answer my questions?" I asked. He sighed. 

"Fine, but if I feel the questions are hitting too close to home I will refuse to answer the questions!" He said. 

"Fair enough. OK, did you ever figure out how she lost so much blood?" I asked. He looked at me. 

"Too close to home!" He says. I felt myself getting angry. 

"You haven't even tried to answer the question. You can't push this away like it's nothing. Why was she there? And how did you meet my father? Why is Mel still alive if he planned on killing her?" I yelled. 

"You lost your mother that night, Brett!" He yelled. I was shocked. 


"Your father may have had the idea of killing Mel but that night you came into the hospital he looked at you with nothing but deep love in his eyes. You meant the world to him. But he lost her that night because of his stupid plan to get what he wanted. But I can never hate your father no matter how many stories you feed me!" He said. I clutched my fist.  

"Why not?" I asked. 

"Because your father is the reason she's here. My baby girl was dead for 5 minutes. For 5 minutes I had lost everything I have ever fought for. For 5 minutes I lost my reason for living. You clam your father is selfish but I have witnessed on my own that he wasn't always that way. Because even though your mother was in the next room your father decided against grieving and decided to be a hero. He made my baby breath. He made me respect him even though he became evil he was a hero to me and Mel!" He said. Tears ran down his eyes. 

"You don't understand the reasons he did what he did. Yeah, maybe, in the end, he tried to kill her. But I can tell you that wasn't the same man I knew. And if he really wanted her dead she wouldn't be breathing!" He said. I let out a breath of air. 

"I'm sorry!" I said looking down. My father could have let her die but instead, he chose to go against it. Why couldn't I have given him the same chance?

"I was never told what happens to make her end up in there but I didn't want to waste my time with  her searching for answers when a life is so easy to take!" He said. He took a deep breath. "You shouldn't waste your time either. If she knows she'll tell you when she's ready, in the mean time show her love and be there for that kid because she's gonna need you!" He said. 

His Passive Obsession. (Part 2)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ