~Chapter 43~

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3rd person P.O.V

As Timothy enters the gates of Sam's back yard. Mel's was too small for all the people that were invited and Brett didnt want it at the massion because of the fear of something going wrong. And Sam offered to throw it at his place so here they are.

Mel turns and notices Dean watching her as Noemi chats with her friend next to him. Mel sighs and searches for Brett. He was to already have been there and whats making things worse is that her dad isn't here either.

"Excuse me. Excuse me ladies and gentlemen!"  A voice rand over the small group of family and friends. They all turned to Sam who was holding a mic. "My good friend Brett has gathered us here today for a family cook out but also he had some news." Sam starts. Mel felt a hand brush by hers.

"You look amazing." Brett breathed in her ear. A shiver ran down her spine as he held her waist.

"...See he came to me a few weeks ago with a question. He wanted to know if I would help him throw a cook out. And invite all of you people. But he had something very important to ask that special person." Sam finished. Mel scrunched up her face and turned to noticed Brett on his knees.

Timothy came throw the side gate because it was less crowded. He stepped foot in the back yard as Sam finished speaking. His eyes glued to Brett on one knee.

"Mel, you are the first girl I let in over all the years. The only girl who can make me break down my walls with just one thought. The only girl I get angry over when you disobey me. Because I know one mistake and I lose you. So Melody Harp Black will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" Brett said. By now Melody had tears running down her cheeks. She couldnt believe what she was hearing.

For 5 years she dreamed he say those exact words and now its actually happening. Worries filled Bretts mind as Melody stares down at him unresponsive. Althought she had a smile on her face her eyes told a story of saddness.

"Yes, I will." She said. He couldnt believe she said yes. He slid the ring on her fingure and picked her up by her waist spinning her around. He kissed her lips with so much love and passion that showed they were unbreakable.

His Passive Obsession. (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now