~Chapter 44~

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Timothy's P.O.V

I walk into the back yard where every close friend and family member were and smiled. That was until Sam said Brett had something he wanted to say. All i could think about was what is hw doing? When I saw him on one knee my heart skipped a beat. This was the moment I begged for.

My little girl wasn't so little. She was strong. She took what life gave her and held it close. I was happy she finally found what she had been looking for. And the moment she said yes I knew he did this not only for her but for me. And I couldn't have chosen a better man for her.

"I love you too Mel." Brett said as she hugged him tight. I walked over them and slapped my hand firmly on his shoulder not too hard. He looks at me and even though he is mad at me he still smiled. "Baby, go on and talk to your friends alright?" Brett said. She kissed his cheek and mine then ran off.

"Thank you." I said watching her jump for joy.

"I did it for her." He said. I watched her eyes glow with happiness.

"I know." I said. He turns to me.

"This doesn't mean I'm not still mad at you for not telling her." He said. I nodded.

"I know." I said looking at him.

"You gonna even tell her? She deserves to know. How long do you have?" He asked.

"3 weeks." I said. His eyes widen.

"What happen to-?"

"It spreaded faster then they thought." I said. His fist balled up.

"I can't believe you. You're so selfish. You only think about yourself!" He snapped. I know he's only saying this because he's mad and sad so it doesn't effect me to hear this.

"Brett? What's going on?" Her soft voice asked. I turned to see her staring at us. Everyone else were unaware of this. Bretts mood changed just by hearing her voice.

"Nothing baby. Don't worry about it." He said pulling her into his chest. She looked at me and smiled but it quickly stopped.

"Dad your nose." She said eyes wide. I brought my finger tips to feel something wet and sticky. I look and it was blood. Its happening. "Dad are you ok?" She asked.

"Yeah peanut it's just a nose bleed nothing to worry abou-." I was stopped by a pit of coughs. Brett quicy moved over to me. I brought my hand to my mouth and I was coughing up blood. His eyes widen.

"Get out of here. I'll tell her you werent feeling good." He said. I went to move but got dizzy. "Shit!" His voice seemed faded. I felt my body touch something soft and that was it.

His Passive Obsession. (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now