13. Our First Valentine's

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February 14th, 1988
7:11 AM

"You got to stay quiet Tae!! You gon wake her. You know she sleep light," I whisper-yelled at my cousin. He waved me off. It was Valentines day & Tae wanted to surprise Kae with breakfast & some gifts. I agreed to make to breakfast since his ass can't cook for shit. "You know what you can do? Be useful & cut up the fruit."

"What fruit?"

"The damn strawberries Tae!!" My patience with im was getting real thin.

"Alright you don't have to be so pushy."

"You know what? I didn't have to help you with this you could've just bought some ihop," I snapped.

"Damn I can't wait till you have this baby. Or you & Michael make up. Something shit." I rolled my eyes at the mention of my baby's father. We hadn't talk since the day of the doctor's appointment. He tried calling, but me being the petty hormonal person I am, I haven't answered. Everybody is stressing me to talk to him but I refuse. Besides, they're usually on my side so what's up with this?

They say it's for the sake of the baby but I honestly don't believe it.

"Could yall shut the fuck up i'm trying to-" Kae stopped when she saw Tae standing in the kitchen. "Wait a minute. Tae what you doing here?"

"Wish I would've known the surprise was gon be ruined before I got my ass up," I mumbled. Kae looked at Tae confused. Tae walked over to the refrigerator & got out the heart shaped box of chocolates he bought Kae. He didn't buy her flowers cause she hates flowers. She smiled as he walked over to her handing her the box.

"There's more to come because this was supposed to go with your surprise breakfast but Happy Valentines Day baby."

"Awww," She hugged him before they leaned in for a kiss. I shifted uncomfortably before deciding to leave.

"Excuse me, I have to get ready to go to the hospital," I said walking past the happy couple. I don't wanna see that shit.


I sighed looking at Tae as Sky walked away.

"When does Michael plan on getting the show on the road?" Tae shrugged.

"He said he was either going to surprise her at the university or here so we'll see." I hope he hurries up. Tired of seeing my best friend like this.

2:57 PM

I walked out of the building ready to just get in my bed & sleep. Thank god I was done with my homework. I walked towards my car seeing a male figure standing by it. As I got closer, I figured out who it was & rolled my eyes.

I walked over to the driver's side without saying anything to him & unlocked my door.

"Hey to you too." I got in & he tried to open the passenger door but it was locked. "Can you unlock the passenger door please?" I continued to ignore him. "Sky don't be like this." I turned the engine on. "Skylar." I put the car in reverse. "I know you ain't-"

"You better make sure you not in the way before I run your ass over." Michael moved knowing I was serious.

"Skylar-" I put my foot on the pedal quickly backing up before putting the car in drive & zooming off. I don't want to hear nothing he has to say.

3:26 PM

"So he showed up to the library & you just left him there?" Kae & Dawn asked as I ate my bagel.

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