53. I Don't Wanna Cry

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June 10th, 1994
10:35 AM

I had spent half of the night staring off into space and surprisingly, I hadn't cried once. Not a tear had been shed. Maybe I was in denial. I don't know. But I know I didn't cry.

I couldn't be mad. He was going to move on eventually. He deserved to be happy. But it still hurt. And I still couldn't help but to be angry.

The thing that pissed me off the most was that he didn't tell me. It's not like we're exes who are just still hanging out for the fun of it, we have two kids together. And any decisions we make can affect them. Marriage is definitely a huge one.

As my head swirled with me constantly thinking about it, my house phone rung & I grabbed it off the nightstand, picking it up.

"Hello," I said dryly.

"Hey baby girl," My daddy said into the phone. "How was your day yesterday?" I sighed.


"Why?" He asked worriedly. "Didn't John propose yesterday?" I'm guessing he asked my father for permission before doing it. Always the gentleman.

"Yes & I said no because I realized I still loved Michael, only to find out that he got married two weeks ago," I said bitterly.

"So he finally told you," Daddy said softly. I sat up in bed.

"You knew?" Daddy sighed.

"He told us like a week ago."

"Wow," I said in disbelief.

"He wanted to be the one to tell you himself, so he asked us to wait."

"Well, he wasn't the one to tell me, Janet did." I heard him sigh again.

"I'm so sorry baby." I shook my head, feeling myself getting angry again.

"Who all knows?"


"... including Tae & Kae?"

"... yes." I let out an angry laugh.

"Wow. Ain't nobody called & told me shit!!!" I just kept laughing in disbelief. Even my best friend knew and didn't say anything. Everybody knew but me.


"Daddy I have to go. I love you," I said before hanging up the phone & sitting back on my headboard.

And finally, 12 hours after finding out, I broke down.

2:22 PM

I put the pillow over my head as the phone rang again. I don't know how many times it had rung, but I wish whoever it was would stop calling. I didn't pick up the first few times, and I wouldn't pick up now.

The ringing came to a stop & I removed the pillow from over my head, thanking God. But, it started ringing again so I threw the pillow at it and knocked it off the nightstand.

After another couple minutes of silence, my cell phone rung & I groaned, grabbing it & finally answering the phone.

"Hello?" I said aggravated.

"Skylar why the hell you ain't answer your phones? We've been calling for hours!!" Tae exclaimed & I rolled my eyes.

"The same way you didn't tell me about Michael & Lisa is the same way I don't have to answer the phone for you," I said bitterly. Tae sighed.

"Sky, he told us-"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. He told you not to tell me. Well, now im telling you to leave me alone because I don't want to be bothered. God bless." I hung up the phone & took the battery out the back before tossing them in two different directions. "Just leave me the fuck alone," I mumbled, getting out of the bed and heading downstairs.

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