39. The Trial

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March 1st, 1990
12:28 PM

"Look at the two happily-in-love Grammy award winners walking into my office," Dr. Brown teased as Michael & I walked in for another appointment. I blushed as Michael grinned.

The Grammy's were a few days prior, and Michael had won for Best Short Form music video, while Janet won for Best Long Form Video. It technically wasn't my award, but Michael, Janet & everybody else swore up and down that it was. It wasn't like it was a choreography award, it was a directing and producing award.

"I know, we're like a power couple," He said grinning hard. We sat down on the long couch as Dr. Brown sat in her chair.

"It's not even my award," I said for the hundredth time. Michael waved me off.

"Please, it damn near is. Your choreography-"

"It wasn't just mine," I sung.

"Yeah, but your input was important like Janet said. So it's your award as much as everyone else's, baby." I smiled to myself as Dr. Brown smiled at us.

"Wow, a lot has changed over these past few months. You've both improved, personally and romantically. You've come to trust each other more, argue less, Skylar you're in the career you've always dreamed about, Michael you don't let your issues get the best of you. I'm very proud of both of you." She was right. It was like telling each other that we loved each other changed everything. It was dramatic to say, but it was the truth. Things had been smooth sailing since Christmas. Of course, we had the occasional argument, but it was about stupid things, not Michael thinking someone was going to hurt him. And I felt like I could let myself fully be free with him, without always having the thought of him hurting me at the back of my mind.

"It only took a year and a half," I said jokingly.

"Hush," Michael said playfully & I giggled. "But, this was all your work, Dr. Brown." She shook her head.

"Oh no, this was the doing of the both of you. I just gave you two the push you needed. You did all the work." Michael grabbed my hand & I smiled at him. "But it's one more thing you have to conquer before our biweekly meetings can turn into periodical meetings," Dr. Brown said & we both already knew what she was talking about.

Joseph & Lauren's trial was happening the next day. I didn't know when they were having Amelia's, but I knew she had been sitting in jail for over a year so she probably would be having hers soon.

Michael and I actually planned on going, along with the rest of the immediate Jackson family, my daddy, Kae & Tae. Mama & AJ were staying home with the twins (AJ really could go to school, but he didn't want to) and Dawn was finishing her last year in medical school.

Her last year. Damn did time fly.

Anyways, all the media talked about was the trial. It was honestly annoying, with the paps asking about it every time we went somewhere, or somebody in my family bringing it up. I just wanted this to hurry up and end so Michael and I could move forward.

"This should be your closure. Your chance to finally let go of all of the demons that you've been facing, and let go of the animosity you two have towards Joseph, Lauren, Amelia & even Greg. After this trial, you two should be turning over a new leaf."

March 2nd, 1990
8:23 AM

The courthouse had more than enough people in front of it when we arrived. Photographers damn near mobbed us, trying to take pictures and ask questions.

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