34. Ohana

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June 9th, 1989
11:50 AM

"I know it's your birthday & you don't want to be here, but I appreciate you coming in," Dr. Brown said as we sat in our respective seats.

"It's fine," I said, waving her off. It wasn't like I was doing much regardless. "This is more important than something that comes around every year. I can go without celebrating my birthday. I can't go without fixing my relationship."

Dr. Brown smiled. "Well, let's get started then. So how did you two meet again? I know you said this was initially a one night stand between you two but I want the full story."

"Well," I started. "We met at a club. My best friend Kaelyn dragged me out of the house because I was feeling down about my ex." She scribbled something down & I expected the conversation of Greg to come up later. "So Michael was there, celebrating the release of 'Bad'. Kaelyn was initially the one to catch his attention but she had walked away when he walked over. He offered me a dance, and the dance led us back to his apartment. After that, I was fine if I had never seen him in person again but God had other plans."

"You were pregnant," Dr. Brown said & I nodded.

"I found out a month after & told him a month after that. I was even lucky I could even get to him because you would think somebody of his status would try to switch up his routines but no. I was staking out at his apartment hoping he would bring somebody back again, which he did & I just walked up to his door & knocked. I could tell he was surprised to see me, I was surprised he recognized me even if he didn't know my name, but he probably was thinking I was coming back for some more. Boy was he wrong," I said chuckling. Dr. Brown smiled.

"So what was his initial reaction when you told him?"

"He thought I was lying, which was to be expected. We exchanged unpleasantries before he realized I wasn't lying. I even offered to take a DNA test & he said no." Dr. Brown wrote that down.

"So where did the two of you go from there?"

"We started bonding. Getting to know each other, hanging out, introducing each other to our families and telling them what happened. We told his father & it didn't go so well..." That was an understatement.

"We'll get back to that." I nodded.

"But yeah. We flirted, even though we had done that from the moment we had met each other. It had gotten more comfortable."

"When did you realize that you wanted to be more than the mother of Michael's kids?"

I sighed, thinking. When did the harmless flirting turn real?

"I honestly don't know. All I know is that it was pretty hard not to after I started to get to know him. People already love him because of the person they think he is, but when you get to know him, I mean really get to know him, it's hard not to fall for him. He has his faults, we all do, but he is literally the most amazing man I've ever met. He has the sweetest soul & he's so-" I stopped when I saw Dr. Brown cheesing at me. I blushed. "I'm sorry that's not even the question you asked. But if I had to really pinpoint the time, it would definitely have been during the first month we really knew each other."

"Skylar do you love him?" I took a breath. I've admitted it to myself & my friends, I need to admit it to her.


"Are you in love with Michael?"


"And how long have you known this?" Flashbacks to New York appeared in my head.

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