26. Stalker Alert

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August 23rd, 1988
8:56 AM

"I miss you," Michael said into the phone & I bit my lip smiling.

"I miss you too," I cooed.

"Ugh!! Get a room," Kae said & I moved the phone from my ear.

"I'm in my room!!"

"Whatever," She said as put the bow on top of Serenity's head. "I'm so sick of yall." Now she's sick of us but earlier this year she was telling me to suck his dick. Hell, she even told me that after we got together.

But I couldn't blame her for being tired of us, we were in our honeymoon stage. Always cooing to each other over the phone, whispering sweet nothings into each other's ear, having phone se- never mind.

And of course, we were going to do all of that. We hadn't seen each other since June. So we were really missing each other.

I put the phone back up to my ear.

"Tell Kae don't be mad that she & Tae are way past their honeymoon stage."

"I'm not telling her that," I said with a laugh.

"Telling me what?" Kae asked as she sat Serenity up. My baby looked so cute in her little dress.

"Awwww Michael you should see how cute Serenity looks in her dress," I cooed.

"Pay attention to meeee!!" Kae yelled swatting at me, mocking how I was during labor. They are never going to let me live that down. I ignored her as Michael groaned into the phone.

"Ugh, I wish I was there."

"Just 3 more weeks baby," I said with a sigh.

"I know," He groaned again. "But i'm holding on by a thread. I miss my babies. I miss you," He stopped & cleared his throat before speaking in a low, deep voice. "I miss being inside of you." The room instantly felt hotter & I felt myself become a little moist.

"Not right now," I groaned.

"Why? You don't want Kae to know how I hot I get you?" He asked mischievously.

"I do not." He chuckled.

"Fine. I'm not going to start with you right now but only because I have to go & so do you. But later, it's on." I giggled.


"Kiss the babies for me. Bye babe."

"Bye," I said before hanging up the phone & sighing.

"Why didn't you tell him you loved him?" Kae asked as I stood up. I gave her a look.

"You know why," I said before picking MJ up off the bed. He stirred in his sleep a little before comfortably laying his head on me.

"I'm not understanding what this 'taking it slow' shit is about," Kae said standing up with Serenity.

"It's not for you to understand. Only him."

"But if you love him, why not tell him?" She asked as we walked out of the room.

"Kae you know why. I don't trust him fully & I don't feel like getting my heart broken for the third time. That'll be the second time just from him," I said as we walked down the stairs.

"If you don't trust him then why are you with him?"

"Because," I said as we put the twins in their car seats. "We're working on building up trust. That's why we're taking it slow."

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