33. Therapy

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June 2nd, 1989
1:41 PM

I sat in the therapist's office staring at the clock as she scribbled something on her paper. I didn't know what she was writing since I hadn't said anything of importance yet. It was only small talk so far.

She probably was writing about how Michael was late for our first ever therapy session, and she could probably tell I was agitated. I knew he was starting to record for his next album this month, but damn, was this not important too? He was dancing on my last nerve.

The door swung open & Michael ran in, dressed like he had just come from a meeting.

"I'm so sorry, the meeting I was in ran over." Of course, it did. I rolled my eyes as Michael sat on the couch next to me.

"It's fine," Dr. Brown said with a smile. "So, let's get started. Skylar already went over her portion of the forms, making sure everything was correct so I'll have you do the same, Michael." Dr. Brown handed Michael a clipboard with consent forms & questionnaires & Michael started filling them out. "So, while you do that, we can start talking about the reason you're here. Why are you two here?" I looked over at Michael & he looked at me.

"You can answer," He said nodding.

"He got me arrested-" I started.

"Skylar, that's not the main reason we're here," He said interrupting me.

"Well, if you wouldn't have interrupted me," I spat. "I would've said it was because you have trust issues."

"And you do too," He said a-matter-of-factly before continuing his paperwork.

"And why do the two of you think that?" Dr. Brown asked as she wrote in her tablet.

"Well, he did get me arrested because he thought I was working with his father and ex-girlfriend who, by the way, is the stem of his trust issues."

"And how do you know she's the stem?" Dr. Brown asked.

"She's the stem," Both Michael & I said. Another rare moment of us agreeing. Dr. Brown wrote something quickly.

"So, Michael, why do you think Skylar has trust issues?" He sighed.

"Because if she really trusted me, she would have told me what was happening with my father & Lauren instead of going by herself and taking the chance on getting her & Greg harm, who, by the way, is the stem of her trust issues," Michael said mockingly. I rolled my eyes as Dr. Brown scribbled down some more notes.

"Okay, so how about we take this back to how all of this began. How did the two of you meet?"

"It started with a one night stand," I said monotonously. Michael's eyes widened as he snapped his head towards me.


"What was I supposed to say? It did!! Why would I lie if she's supposed to be the one helping with our problems?"

"Because," He gritted. I raised my eyebrows.

"Because of what? You don't want her to know that you used to go around and having meaningless sex with a bunch of women before and after I got pregnant? You don't want her to know that the innocent Michael Jackson the public sees is not the same behind closed doors?" He shot daggers at me & I shrugged. "It's not like she's going to tell anybody."

"She's right, I will not and can not tell anybody about what the two of you discuss in these sessions. It will only be between the three of us. Which also means I will not keep secrets from the two of you. So, if you tell me something during an individual therapy session which we will talk about the structure of the couples work in a little bit, if you tell me something about the relationship or about you or something you did during an individual session with me, I will or I will have you bring it up. So, unless you want this material to be discussed in a couples therapy format, I encourage you to not bring it up at all when we talk and again I do this because my job is to ensure safety between all of us and it can be productive work only when we don't have to worry about who said what and what I am supposed to say and what I am not supposed to say, okay?"

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