48. Something In Common

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June 21st, 1992
1:19 PM

11 days later, I still hadn't called John. One, because my schedule was packed so I never really had time. Two, because I didn't even know how to go about the situation. What was I supposed to say when I called him? If we went on a date, how would I go? Should I even be going on a date knowing i'm not completely over Michael?

I was too anxious for this. And to top it off, I didn't have anybody to talk to about it since I hadn't told anybody.

Of course, everybody asked me about John, since whenever the camera was put on us we were laughing together, and people started making reports on us.

There were headlines like:

Michael Jackson's ex & John Stamos getting cozy at the MTV movie awards

Skylar Wright has a new man in her life? The choreographer spotted with John Stamos

Can't let her get away, huh Michael? Looks like Skylar Wright already has

People were annoying.

Any other time Michael would say 'don't believe the media' but as soon as i'm linked with another man, he wants to believe it.

He didn't go on a huge jealous rant, but I could tell he was feeling some type of way.

Not fun when the shoe is on the other foot huh?

Of course, I told him that it was nothing, and it was the truth, for now.

But, I really wish I had somebody to talk to this about this. All of my family & friends were team Michael, especially Kae since he was paying for the wedding. And I really didn't want to talk to her anyways because she was starting to piss me off with this wedding shit. She kept saying slick shit, and I was about five seconds from choking her. I couldn't wait until October 24th came so she would stop acting like bridezilla.

"I was thinking..." Michael said as we sat in my living room, going over a few things before he left for tour as the kids sat there watching Duck Tales. "That maybe the twins can come with me." I stopped going over the guest list & looked over at Michael, who was looking at me. "And maybe you can too."

I put the guest list down. "Come where?"

"On tour with me." I raised my eyebrow at him. "It would be fun!!"

"Fun? You hate touring."

"Yeah, but it might be better if the twins & my favorite baby mama was there."

"Michael, i'm your only baby mama-" I stopped. "Well I may not be, actually." Michael playfully rolled his eyes.

"Sky i'm serious!! This could be fun. You'll get to travel to different countries, the twins would get a good experience & you would get to spend time with the king," He said, smiling & I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah alright, but you know the twins start school in August."

"I know, you can come for a month." I sighed, it would be good for them, but me traveling with Michael? How am I supposed to get over him if I do things like that? But I really don't want the twins to go without me. It's not because I don't trust Michael, of course I trust him with our babies, but what about when he's performing? Or when he's doing his charity work? To be honest, I don't trust my babies with the people around Michael. Those people seem deceiving & I told him that but he's stubborn as hell. I guess he didn't learn from Frank's thieving ass.

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