Bonus Chapter: Double Trouble

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May 17th, 1997
12:58 PM

"Why do we always have to be the ones in charge of planning?" I asked as I walked over to Michael, who was watching workers set up for the baby shower. I had Melody on my hip, and she was looking around, wondering what was going on.

"Because we're the ones with the most money," Michael said playfully. I snickered before looking around at the setup.

I really hopped Dawn & Kae liked it, cause they definitely hadn't been satisfied with anything thus far. Especially Dawn.

She was kind of upset that she didn't get to have her own baby shower, which I understood because this was her first pregnancy, while this was Kae's second.

But hell, we couldn't find time to do two different baby showers because of everyone's schedule, and Kae refused to not have one so here we are.

And I really did feel bad. But like I said, everyone's schedule was different, so this was the only time.

I was honestly hoping one of them threw a fit and decided not to come so it could be canceled. I did not want to deal with two pregnant women who were both in their third trimester. One was emotional and one was angry.

And the angry one isn't even the one you'd think would be angry.

It was Dawn!!

My best friend had gone from this happy, calm person to a raging bitch. It was honestly scary.

She was on the top of the world at her wedding. But when she came back from her honeymoon, she was just so damn angry.

But hell, that's what pregnancy does to you.

"What time are they coming again?" Michael asked.

"Everybody is supposed to start arriving around 2:30 and their husbands will bring them at three."

"Great. I have something to show you before then." I stared at Michael for a moment.

"Michael, we don't have time for sex." He sucked his teeth.

"I wasn't even talking about sex," He said laughing. "You must've been thinking about it though."

"Mhm, what are you talking about then?" I asked as Melody laid her head on my shoulder. It was nap time.

"Something to do with our wedding. You know, to motivate you to get through the next couple of hours."

"I definitely need that," I said as Michael started shuffling through the papers on his clipboard. "Why do you have a clipboard?"

"To keep organized, duh," Michael said, pulling a brochure out from the board. He handed it to me.

Green Leaves Country Lodge & Venue
Johannesburg, South Africa

"Oh my goodness," I said, flipping through it.

I know I had said that I didn't want a destination wedding, but after Melody was born, I changed my mind. We decided on South Africa because, Africa, duh. Michael would also have his last couple of tour dates there, so it worked out perfectly.

The venue was near the countryside, which made it absolutely gorgeous.

"I put the money down on it this morning," Michael said & I looked up at him. He was grinning. "Our wedding is coming together. Just a few more months."

"Oooh, I can't wait!!" I said excitedly. Melody lifted her head up off my shoulder & squealed loudly, clapping. I guess she was agreeing with me.

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