37. Project 1814 Rhythm Nation

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August 2nd, 1989
6:20 PM
Skylar POV

"Why do you like me playing in your hair so much?" I asked as Michael sat on the floor between my legs, letting me braid his hair to the back. The twins sat in front of the tv, playing with their toys & watching reruns of 'Inspector Gadget'.

"Because it's peaceful," He mumbled, and I stopped.

"Are you going to sleep?"

"No baby," Michael said tilting his head back to look at me.

"Okay pick your big ass head up then," I said, pushing his head back up.

"The nerve," He mumbled & I smacked his head. "Owe!!"

The house phone rang & I stopped braiding his hair to let him get it. Serenity looked back at us, seeing Michael get up & hopped up.

"Dada!!!" She yelled, following him to the phone. I chuckled as MJ stopped paying attention to the tv & walked over to me, reaching for me to pick him up. I smiled, pulling him up on my lap. He laid his head on my chest, once again watching tv. I rubbed his little curls, watching them immediately spring back into place.

"Sky, telephone!!" Michael yelled & I groaned, putting MJ down as I stood up. MJ whined, and I picked him up, placing him on my hip as I went to get the phone. "I'm still the superior sibling," Michael said into the phone as he held Serenity on his shoulders with one hand. I gave him a look as he turned to me. "Oh here goes Sky now, Jan." He passed the phone to me.

"You better not drop my baby," I said taking the phone. He mocked me before walking out with Serenity on his shoulders. I put the phone up to my ear. "Hey Janet."

"Hey Skylar. What do you have to do tomorrow?" I thought about it for a moment as MJ started messing with my hair.

"Nothing really." It's not like I worked a job. "Why?"

"Come hang out with me at the dance studio tomorrow." I shrugged, but she couldn't see me.

"Okay. What time?"

"10 am. We'll be in Van Nuys."

"Alright, i'll see you then."

"Okay, kiss my niece & nephew for me and tell my brother i'm the superior sibling. Love you bye!" I giggled as she hung up & put the phone back on the hook. I walked back into the living room & saw Michael holding Serenity up in the air, who was laughing loudly.

"Mhm Dada!!!" MJ yelled, squirming to get down & to his daddy.

"Traitor," I said in his ear before kissing his chubby cheeks & letting him down. He ran over to Michael, who put Serenity down & looked over at me.

"What did Dunk want?" He asked as the twins ran back over to the tv & sat down to watch 'Inspector Gadget' again. I walked over to the couch & sat back in my spot.

"She wants me to come to the dance studio tomorrow," I said as Michael say in his original spot. I unbraided the braid I had been working on & started over.

"Ooh, look at you going to play with the big dogs," He said teasingly. I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, it'll probably be just like when Kae & I helped Paula with a few moves for her video."

Little did I know, it was nothing like that.

August 3rd, 1989
9:41 am

"Somebody's thirsty," Janet said teasingly as I walked into the dance studio almost 20 minutes early. I put my dance bag down by the benches before walking over to her.

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