20. She Wasn't The Only One

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8:54 am

I woke up the next morning to the sound of the phone ringing. I got up to get it but I realized Michael's arm was around me. I smirked thinking about what happened before we finally went to sleep before attempting to get up.

"I got it," I heard Michael say in his sleepy voice. God, he was about to have me ready to ride him again. I turned to watch as he got up and walked over to the phone.

"Cute butt." He turned to me blushing before turning back & picking up the phone.

"Hello? Good morning to you too, Kae. Thanks, I feel I should've won too." I rolled my eyes. "No, she's awake. Alright." He moved the phone from his ear looking at me. "It's Kae."

"No shit," I said as I got out of the bed and walked over to him. He handed it to me smirking.

"Nice tits," I bit my lip smiling as he walked towards the bathroom. Then I put the phone to my ear. "Hello?"

"BITCHHHH DID HE JUST SAY NICE TITS? WHY ARE YOUR TITS OUT? SKYLAR DID YOU FUCK HIM??" I smiled to myself as I started getting flashbacks from the night before. "SKYLAR!!!"

"Stop yelling in my ear!!!" I hissed. Interfering with my flashbacks and shit.

"Answer my question!!"

"... Maybe I did, maybe I didn't." Kaelyn squealed loudly making me remove the phone from my ear. When she was done I placed it back.


"Kaelyn shut the hell up!! It's too damn early for you to be screaming like that!!" I heard Dontae yell in the background.

"FUCK YOU!!" She yelled back

"You did that last night!!" I heard him chuckle

"I'd do it again right now," Kae said, her voice getting low.

"Um Kaelyn," I said, not wanting to hear them talk about their sex life.

"Tae stop distracting me!! But bitch!! Tell me everything!!" Michael came out of the bathroom brushing his teeth, still in his naked glory. I stared at him, practically drooling. He smirked at me. I had forgotten I was on the phone with Kae until she started screaming in my ear again.


"Kaelyn yell in my ear one more fucking time!!" Michael laughed.

"Why she so loud?"

"Hell if I know." He shook his head before walking back in the bathroom.

"Was that Michael?" Kae asked.

"Who else would it be?"

"Well let me not interrupt yall," She said and I could tell she was smirking. "But you definitely gotta tell me everything when you get back. Have fun, don't get double pregnant. Love you." I couldn't even get a word in before she hung up. I shook my head putting the phone on the hook. Lord that girl know she crazy, but that's my crazy ass best friend.

I walked back over to the bed and climbed in, getting under the covers. Michael walked out of the bathroom and to the bed, also getting under the covers.

"I don't think I properly greeted you this morning," Michael said before leaning over and kissing me. I smiled as he pulled back, making him smile too. "Good morning."

"Good morning."

"How you feeling?" He asked.

"I'm great." Maybe even better than that. "What about you?"

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