When Tragedy Stikes

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•Y/N: Your Name
•L/N: Last Name

Your POV:

     "Y/N, can't you do anything?" Ciel questioned with great urgency, to which I shake my head.

     "Not really. I could try to transport us back there, but I don't really have control of where I end up. We would most likely wind up back here."

"Oh dear. Unfortunately, it looks like we are stuck." A book suddenly flew off the shelf and opened.

"What is this? It looks like the cinematic record of someone who is in that abbey."

"What a crazy lucky happenstance!"

"Interesting. An 'Angel of
Massacre' is descending in an abbey that is near Preston."

"An 'Angel of Massacre?'"

"Ah, yes. I see it now." Undertaker took the book. Ciel grabs onto Undertaker's sleeve.

"Stop her now," he demanded.

"Master, how charitable."

"Not the time for teasing, Sebby!"

"Sebby?" He repeats the nickname with a raised brow.

"What? Grell calls you bassy, and you don't bat an eye. I call you Sebby, and you're looking at me like you want me to die. Wait! Did I just rhyme?'' Ciel lightly face palms at my stupidity in disappointment.

"What are we supposed to do? We can't even find a way out of here!"

"I know a way! Undertaker has a pretty, pink bookmark!" The old reaper chuckles at my exclamation.

"A book mark?"

"It is a reaper tool to which we managers have access to. The death bookmark," William elaborated. Undertaker took out the bookmark from his robe before placing it in the book. He explained further on what the bookmark does.

"Now, I just add that Sebastian Michaelis appeared suddenly." He scribbles down his spoken words. Not a moment later, the demon disappeared from sight.

''Oh no! Bassy!"

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Me next! Ciel, hold my bear!'' I, without warning, toss Teddy to Ciel, who almost didn't catch him in time. Undertaker chuckles at my enthusiasm before writing.

"Then Y/N L/N and reapers William T Spears and Grell Sutcliffe appear as well," he wrote. We all disappear then reappeared in the abbey.

"Is that so?" I jumped onto Angela from behind, scaring the bejesus out of her.


"Then a creature like you must forever be chained to the heavens."

"Going up!" I leap off of her as Will's death scythe pinned her to the high wall by her neck.

"Let's get to work." Will tosses Grell a new death scythe. She gushes over the sudden gift.

''Ohhhh! A brand new death scythe!" She doesn't hesitate to stab through Angela's hand and wing.

"You shall wash and return it when we are done," William adds.

"So cruel!" Grell pouts at Will's cold behavior.

"This will be fun. How about we have ourselves a game of darts?" Sebastian threw a knife in her arm.

"Oh dear. I missed. Now, whatever should I aim for next?"

"Pick me! Pick me! I want to play!" Grell waves her hand around in attempts to gain the demon's attention.

"A demon all right," William mutters under his breath.

"Okay, everyone, listen up! Time to get the hell out of this church! Come on, people! Move! Move! Move!" I clap my hands loudly to be sure that everyone heard me. People began to clear out in a panic as Angela began screaming. I covered my ears as it got louder. The building began to collapse due to the piercing sound.

"What is this? Does she mean to die along side us?"

"Snuff out the unclean! Snuff out the unnecessary!" She screams out repetitively.

"It is our turn now. Let us retreat." We all ran, but something important fell out of my pocket. I immediately notice the dropped weight of the small object and turn around. My heart pounds frantically in my chest as a kick of adrenaline hits me.

"The remote!" I don't think twice before going to retrieve it.

"Y/N, look out!" Sebastian warns. I look up. Not a second later, a piece of building fell and landed on my legs, crushing them. I scream as a shockwave of pain shot through my body. I reach for the remote as my legs glitched. It was just out of my reach, though.

"Pau-" A piece of ceiling fell on the remote, breaking it, before I can even make time stop. My heart literally stops beating. No seriously! Why can't I breathe!? My body glitches violently and everything suddenly grew heavy. My body collapses onto the ground, feeling weak. Then everything went black as a large, sharp piece of rubble impaled my chest.

Author's POV:

Ciel and Sebastian were walking away from the destruction, but Ciel suddenly tripped on a body. He looked at it and found a familiar form. His eye widens slightly.

"Y/N?" He bends down slightly to shake her shoulder. "Y/N, get up. Stop playing around," he demands as he continuously nudged her body with his foot after standing up straight. Her unblinking eyes looked up at him, dead and cold. A red liquid leaked from the corner of her pale lips.

"Blood?" Sebastian questioned, mostly to himself.

"How?" Ciel knits his brows together in confusion.

"Young master, I believe she's dead."

"What is happening? Where is the girl?" Asked William, suddenly coming into view. His expression seemed a tad frantic.

"Y/N, come on, get up. You can't die remember? Stop playing your stupid games," Ciel ordered, not fully believing that you'd die over something like this.

"Oh dear." Will frowns, staring down emotionlessly at your corpse.

"Oh my!" Grell exclaims while covering her mouth, standing beside William.

"It appears we've lost 'er." Undertaker takes off his hat in respect and looks down at her lifeless body. A frown finds its was to his usually smiling face.

"We've lost 'er so soon too." He picks up her injured corpse after removing the piece that had impaled her. Her body didn't pixilate or fix itself. She lied in his arms covered in blood, a gaping hole in her midsection.

"DoN't YoU rEmEmBeR? yOu ShOuLd NeVeR, uNdeR aNy CiRcUmStAnCeS, bReAk ThE rEmOtE."

Author's Note:

I'm not done yet! Stay tuned for more!

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