After The Show

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Your POV:

I currently sat in the cage, thinking. I figured that once everyone left we'd be let out and be free to roam, but apparently not. It was freezing, and I was hungry. I had to eat the popcorn those people threw at me!

The twin's cage was put back beside mine earlier, but they wouldn't talk to for some reason. They might be scared or something. It was freezing, and apparently Emory didn't care if they caught a cold, since they are still only in shorts. They sat beside each other, hugging to keep warm. It was honestly sad to watch.

"Hello, Bear!" Abraham greets, appearing in front of my cage.

"The boss said to make everyone dinner." He opens the cage door and walks over to me with a small plate in his hand.

"Sorry it might be cold now, but I scraped together what I could for you."

"That's all right. Thank you." I take the plate from him with a gracious smile. He smiles back before leaving. He bites his bottom lip before locking my cage door with a key. He frowns and looks up at me with sad eyes.

"Why'd you lock it?" I ask with a raised brow.

"Boss said he didn't order you to sing today. You aren't allowed to leave the cage for three days," he says in a meek voice.

"What?" I blink in surprise.

"The bossssss isss picky," one of the twins state.

"Don't improvissse," the other adds.

"Don't disssobey," the first finishes. I frown at this.

"I'm afraid that's all the food you'll get for three days too. I'm really sorry." Abraham had tears in his eyes, feeling as though I'd hate him for this. "If I don't obey him, he'll hurt me."

"That's alright. I understand." I give him a comforting smile in hopes to relax him. He nods before walking away, most likely to his own cage.

"Hey, mishka?"

"What?" I turn my attention to the two boys.

"Did you think of namesss for us yet?"

"No. Not yet." I thought a bit, desiring to look at them again. "Would you mind if I saw your faces?"

They flinch at my question and held the hem of the sack tightly.

"N-no!" They shake their heads simultaneously. "We hate being ssseen."

"Oh, I'm sorry for asking. It's all right, you don't have to if you don't want to."

They released their grip and un-tense.

"If you don't like being seen, then why are you performing here?"

"Bossssss won't let usss leave."

"He isss mean asss hell."

I let out a light chuckle.

"At firssst we thought it would be fun to join," one starts.

"But, we were wrong," the other finishes.

"Now, bossssss isss really mean."

"He usssed to be nice,"

"Until Emily came."

"So, Emily is the reason he's like this?" I hum in thought. This information was useful to my investigation.

"If you lisssten carefully, you'll hear ssscreamsss from a tent all the way in the back."

"It makesss usss ssscared."

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