Adventure in France

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Your POV:

I stare around at my surroundings in awe. I'm in Paris' World Fair right now, wandering Machinery Hall to look for a certain earl and his a cat.

as a cat

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"Meow." The place is crowded with people, making my search a bit difficult, but I can't just walk around in my real body. What would happen if I were to run into Ash or the Queen? That can cause quite a few problems for me. Besides, what's better to attract a certain ruby-eyed butler than a cat. If I can't find him, he'll certainly find me. As I wandered around, I kept track of the time remaining for this form so I wouldn't suddenly change back in front of all these people. I have two hours before I change back, which will hopefully be enough time to find them. A pained yelp escapes my mouth when some bastard steps down on my tail. My fur stands on end, and I turn to him with a loud hiss to show my distaste for the action.

"Stupid cat!" They yell in a thick, French accent, looking just about ready to throw his shoe at me. I am not fazed by this.

'Well excuse me, princess! I didn't see your tail get stepped on!' I hiss at him once more out of anger. I was about to box this b**** out of existence. When he saw that I wasn't planning on getting out of the way, the blonde male clenches his teeth and glares strongly at me. I instantly knew his next course of action, so I bolt. As expected, he chased after me with a string of French curse words flying out of his mouth. I feel immediate relief when my eyes land on a familiar figure dressed in black walking beside Ciel. I don't think I've ever been this happy to see him in my life.

'Yes! Please save me, crazy cat Bassy!' I take a sharp turn, nearly making the man fall over, and push myself to run faster in order to catch up with the two. However, before I could reach him, I was caught by the back of the neck and roughly pulled off the ground by the livid Frenchman. I twist my body frantically to escape, but his hold was stronger than I thought. I let out pathetic yowls for help, but it appears that no one was willing to save the life of an innocent kitty.

"I've got you now, you stupid feline!" His arm held me so tightly that I felt I'd pop. I was about ready to claw this guy's eyes out and was about to until I was pulled into someone else's arms.

"Now, now. I don't believe that's any way to treat a poor, defenseless kitten," states a calm voice while my head is gently pet by a white-gloved hand. I look up and see the smirking face of Sebastian Michaelis.

'Oh, now you show up.'

"Tch." The man adjusts his hat before leaving without a fight. I release a sigh in relief as Sebastian pats my head repetitively.

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