Finding The Magic

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Finding The Magic

As the sun streamed in through the wall to floor windows in Magnus' penthouse apartment Clary paced back and forth in front of them, letting the sun soak into her skin; warming every bare inch of it. The silence that came with Magnus' apartment, though foreign felt welcoming to Clary's ears. After living in the Institute for so long Clary thought that she would never find silence again and if she did it would feel uncomfortable, however, the silence that had wrapped itself around her felt like an old friend.

Breathing in a deep sigh, not wanting to show her confusion and upset, Clary turned to face a fully put together, Magnus Bane. The difference between herself and the warlock was too obvious to hide; whilst Magnus was dressed to nines, his hair perfectly positioned and fresh looking face, Clary looked extremely different. She was still in her clothes from last night with the addition to the fluffy white bathrobe wrapped around her body, her hair was in a messy set of french plaits and the makeup that she'd precisely applied to attend Magnus' party the night before was smudged across her face in a way that made her look extremely panda-esque.

"Clarissa, are you sure you don't want anything else?" Magnus asked as he left a coffee french press to stir and sat on the couch in front of her. Clary didn't answer but instead turned around to face the windows again. "You miss it don't you?"

"Every single day. I'd love to be a mundane again, just for twenty-four hours. I miss the mystery of it all, you know? The not knowing whether all of this existed. Whether vampires and warlocks and werewolves were real, and if faeries were really as small as I thought, and even if I could've walked past someone or something completely extraordinary. Now I see everything; it's all blurred together. There's no line between the two anymore. It just isn't as magical as I thought it would be." Clary explained as she watched the sun rise higher and higher with intense concentration, however, she quickly had to look away with the bright light hurting her eyes.

The sigh that left Magnus' body was one that made it sound as if he knew the feeling Clary had just described all too well. He stood and led Clary over to the couch that he had been sat on just moments before. To Clary Magnus Bane had never seemed like a warlock who was very affectionate towards anyone other than Alec, however, the close proximity that Magnus and Clary had as they sat next to one another made her feel as if he had never cared for a person more than in that moment.

"You need to find the magic again then Miss Morgenstern. I once knew a boy who spent a lot of his life hating himself because he thought he was cursed, I tried to help him find a cure but it turned out that he was never cursed at all. Now I understand that this story might make no sense to you whatsoever, however, when it came to learning how to love and live again he was too late. He watched his best friend die and almost watched the woman he loved slip through his fingers. Don't waste your time hating the world you live in or the people you live in it with. Find the magic you long for and maybe, just maybe you'll remember why mundanes are so fascinated with finding out whether our world exists." Magnus replied as he kissed Clary on the cheek before standing on his feet and walking away in a flurry of party planning.

As Magnus walked away Clary looked out over the New York skyline once again. Her life, although not entirely normal, was not something that she would trade for the world. All the things she'd learnt about herself, the people she held closest to her heart and the world that she belonged in over the past few years were things that she wouldn't give up in order to become mundane again. Not fitting in had been something Clary had dealt with all her life but when she had learnt about the Shadow World she understood why, she didn't belong in the mundane world but this world; the world of monsters and nightmares but also magic and uncertainty.

The Shadow World was becoming comfortable for Clary not because there was nothing new about it, every day brought about something new, but because she was beginning to belong. This world felt familiar. The monsters that served as nightmares, the almost empty Institute and even Magnus Bane's extravagant parties soiree's was the world that had started to feel familiar to Clary. Her life had changed dramatically since she'd met Jace but just because she was immersed into it didn't mean that she spent every day not learning anything new.

Taking one last longing look at the skyline in front of her Clary turned away from the window and rang an extremely familiar number.

"I need mascara and a change of clothes, there's not a Shadowhunter who has ever looked as haggard as I do." As soon as the phone call went through Clary uttered these words before the person on the other end of the line could say anything.

"You've obviously still not seen when Alec and Jace come back from one of their nights on the town then," Izzy replied humouring lacing through her voice. "I'll be over in twenty."

"How do you know where I am?"

"Clary, there's only one man who can help you disappear as well as you have. I've known where you are since this morning."

"I love you Iz." Clary whispered, a smile spreading across her lips.

"I love you too Clary."

Although Clary couldn't see Isabelle Lightwood's face she knew their expressions were the same.

Find the magic. Maybe the magic had never really been lost, maybe it was just a reminder that was needed.

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