A Not So Safe Haven

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A Not So Safe Haven

Clary woke up in a tangle of sheets with the sunlight streaming through the window and Jace's arms wrapped around her.

"Good morning, my angel," Jace whispered softly in Clary's ear. Clary turned her body and nuzzled her head into the nape of Jace's neck and started to kiss it lightly. "I don't want you to kiss me on my neck."

"Why?" Clary asked in a whisper as she continued to kiss the nape of Jace's neck.

"Because I want to kiss your lips." Jace answered and pulled Clary away from his neck and brought her lips to his.

"I love you." Clary whispered as Jace started kissing her neck.

"And I you." Jace answered.

This carried on, on and off for the whole day. They just lay in bed kissing, sleeping, talking among other things. Clary and Jace didn't care what was happening outside the door of Clary's temporary bedroom all they cared about was what was happening behind their closed door.


"Good morning, my angel." Jace whispered for the third morning in  a row. Jace and Clary hadn't left their safe haven since Magnus took them to it. They'd moved around the room but they hadn't opened the door.

"Everyone is going to think we're dead." Clary answered smiling as she turned over to face Jace as she had the two days previous.

"Let them think what they wish." Jace said as he left a trail of butterfly kisses down Clary's neck and collar.

"Jace as much as I love you, I want something proper to eat." Clary answered. That's the only thing time the door was opened slightly. When Jace slipped out to get something to eat for both him and Clary but they were that busy they normally only ever had one meal if that was what it could be classed as.

"Come to think of it I am sort of craving pasta." Jace commented lifting his head from Clary's neck.

"Well if you're cooking it, I'll have some too." Clary smiled as she slipped the dressing gown on she had found in the bathroom the previous day.

"Come on then." Jace answered as he pulled on his pair of black jogging bottoms.

They walked hand in hand down to the kitchen in comfortable silence.

"Ahhh, so the love stricken couple have finally decided to grace us with your presence and step out of your bedroom." Magnus said as Clary and Jace entered the kitchen.

"Have you even gotten out of that bed?" Izzy asked spitefully.

"Yes actually, we had a shower." Clary answered and immediately regretted what she had said. She knew saying that meant she'd given away that they hadn't had separate showers. Jocelyn and Luke's hands tightened around their coffee cups. Izzy sat there smirking to herself knowing what she'd done.

"Clarissa Fray, what the hell do you think you're doing? No, you're not thinking. You're just doing, aren't you?" Jocelyn asked looking between her and Jace.

"Mom, I'm eighteen. Not eight." Clary answered.

"You're throwing you're life away. That's what you're doing." Jocelyn answered.

"Luke?" Clary asked hoping for some help.

"As much as I want to help you Clary, I do agree with your mother." Luke answered.

"But-" Clary was cut off when Maryse walked in with a handful of papers.

"Oh Clary, Jace there you are. Emma, Julian and James are all upstairs in the library. Could you go entertain them for a while? Thanks." Maryse said without waiting for an answer and walked out the kitchen but not before quickly making herself a cup of coffee during her one sided conversation.

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