So...I'm Not Dead!

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But hey, how's it going? Good? Well it's(possibly) gonna get better because this is my art and updates book 2!!!

Expect more weirdness from me in a while!

Actually, let's get something outta the way here. updates! Chemical Bond chapter 12(I think) is still a work in progress, but if I keep working on it constantly, I can be done by next week probably! This chapter will probably be around 1500 to 2000 words, and will ADVANCE THE PLOT, I REPEAT, I AM ADVANCING THE PLOT

That's right, no more filler!(It wasn't actually filler though, IT'SSSSS NOT FILLERRRRRRR) be frank, it doesn't move it forward that much. And then after the next few chapters, I might go back and edit even more of the earlier chapters. I literally feel like dying of cringe every time I go back and read them XD

But as for the actual content of the chapter itself...let's just say...prepare yourself for memories left behind, and memories once forgotten.

Let's see, Revenge! Yeah, I'm TOTALLY gonna change the title of that one XD But, I can't work on it for now. Maybe it's better that way, so I don't have to switch writing so many stories, but still. The story will be on hold for a while.

The Misadventures Of The Little Alliance! I have a few chapters planned, don't worry! But for the sake of priority, I probably won't be working on them. Ya know, unless you guys want some chapters between chapters of Chemical Bond, you tell me!

And....One Shots! As you can see, I haven't been working on those AT ALL. I also have lots of requests for those, but I don't really have motivation for them. I'm sure if I come back to that, I'll get my spark back, but for now, no one shots.

And that's it for the published stories! Now...

...onto the unpublished stories! I took the majority of you guy's advice from a few chapters ago, when I said that I was having trouble prioritizing stories? I'm still working on my drafted stories, but I'll try and work on Chemical Bond 70, 80% of the time, so chapters can come out faster!

And that's it, I believe! Sorry for making you read this for 5 minutes, lol

See you next time! 💖💖💖

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