Welcome to High School

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What's up gamers

Anyway this is me, off the first day of freshmen year, up at 12AM because I have no regards for getting eight hours of sleep.

I actually just looked it up, apparently seven hours of sleep is also appropriate for my age. But I don't even sleep seven hours hA-

Don't call me out I know some of you lot don't sleep enough either

Fun fact, I am 1.5 inches below the average height and weigh 10 pounds more than average for my age. These numbers are only from the last time I checked though. But I mean,, if I remain at this weight, I'll be average for a fifteen year old yeet

Why am I even saying this my brain has no clue what it's doing I guess

Look, I can't even be bothered to use proper punctuation XD

Okay onto the MAIN point of this chapter; first day of school. Wasn't as bad as I thought it could be, which is absolutely fantastic :D

Forewarning I suppose, I'm gonna talk about a lot of cool things, so if you're the type to get,, bitter or sad that others have an objectively better life than you, I suggest not reading ahead- I know a lot of you have schools with pretty shitty people, staff included. And lots of things in your life may be shitty in general. I really don't want anyone to feel like "wow you have it so good, my school sucks ass haha xd"

That really isn't the most pleasant way of thinking, and I don't want to influence that unconsciously. So just,, be warned, I guess?

I stg all my chapters have this really depressing sounding bit, not sure if that's good or not.

So. Lots of people. Like,, LOTS of people. There are so many in the hall during passing period and I got a pretty good view of that. There's also this cool rotunda in the main campus that I pass, I was lowkey in awe when I saw it for the first time- It's not ACTUALLY something breathtaking, but it's pretty cool-

The teachers I have are nice,, I have a teacher who shall be deemed as Mister Mark, and he is super chill and funny. Take my words with a grain of salt if you wish, but he legit saw a mafia boss in a hamburger joint while living in Cleveland. He also teaches a cool class(Leadworthy), so it should be enjoyable :)

I have a,, special PE class, so to speak. Instead of dressing out and running the mile and other things like that, my PE class gets paired up with Life Skills kids(people with disabilities like autism, or they may be wheelchair bound), and we walk with them and do PE related activities. And while that sounds cool, and it sounds like something I could do, I'm worried. I have an autistic brother at home and I have never been the best person to him(surprising I know). I'm afraid the same thing will happen here.

I was actually talking about this with my mom and I was THIS close to letting tears loose. Dunno if that should be classifed as overemotional, or legit fear of..I don't even know how to describe it. 

Okay let's move onto happier things, jeez 

I was actually late for English because I went to the wrong class lmao (this seems to be a recurring trend, I was late to English on the first day in 8th grade too). The first thing we're studying is racism, and how it's spread across the media via unrealistic stereotypes and one-sided stories.

We got a booklet, and there was a chart that told you where on the racist scale you fell on. And I kid you not, there's a section that is labeled '"woke" justification', and an example of that was a quote going "there is only one race: the human race", aND I THOUGHT OF THE VINE LMAO

Also, I'm in a digital arts and animation class! Should be very cool(then again, I shouldn't expect anything). There was a poster outside the classroom that said the classroom is a safe space for all kinds of LGBTQ+ people and their aliies :) There's even a gay-straight alliance club at the school, which I may or may not hope to join.

I WOULD talk about more, but it's approaching 1AM and I should seriously sleep. My eyes are tired lmao

Bye, love you <333

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