Fandom Talk

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Okay so remember how I said I got myself roped into several new fandoms last chapter?

Wait, did I say that or am I just remembering wrong-

Either way I'm gonna talk about said fandoms here in this chapter because I want to lmao

And no spoilers, obviously, just in case any of you are interested in the things I mention :>

So there's this YouTube series called Dick Figures from about five, six years ago about two stick figure friends, Red and Blue and they get up to a lot of shit

Well, more like Red gets up to lots of shit and Blue is roped along.

But good lord there's a tON of rude humor and possibly offensive content in that series but somehow it's still funny

Pink and Lord Tourettes are really cool though, Pink is a nice lady and Lord Tourettes is..Lord Tourettes-

The spin-off Chick Figures though,, it's not as good. I think it's because it's newer, YouTube doesn't allow the kind of content the original had or it'll get dEmOnItIzEd-

Then again, I've only watched two episodes so perhaps I'm being too judgemental :/

I actually just finished watching the series today just for the sake of being able to talk about it in this chapter, I started quite a while ago but forgot to finish I guess-

But now let's move on to things I can legitimately talk about because I actually have opinions on them and not half-assed comments!

There's this show on Netflix(not an original though) called The Dragon Prince and it's super good??

Like, not just the animation, but the characters and storyline(plus subplots!!) and lore and worldbuilding is just 👌👌👌

Though, the animation does get some shit sometimes. I never noticed the drop in animation in the first season but apparently the quality of it varied quite a bit. Even so, the animation did get better in the second season!

And there's only two seasons at this moment(though a third season HAS been confirmed!), both are eight episodes long

Lmao the eighth episode of the first season has the same name as the show's producing company XD

Can I like,, talk about the characters though- God,, everyone is AMAZING and there is not a SINGLE character that is shallow,, even the ones that appear for a few seconds!! AND GET THIS- None of them are evil!!

A YouTube comment once said "everyone's just doing what they think is necessary" (something close to that) and that's just so true.

The Moonshadow elves are just defending Xadia and avenging the dragon king, Viren is trying to protect the human realm from the Xadian attacks, and the reason for all of that in the FIRST place is because the humans were afraid(I think) of the Xadian power! Claudia and Soren are trying to protect Callum and Ezran but each have their OWN agenda while Callum, Ezran and Rayla are trying to save both Xadia and the human realm but Claudia and Soren don't really get that because of their dad and holy shit this is all one paragraph I need to slow down-

Uh, hopefully all that doesn't count as spoilers-

I still wanna talk about characters- I love all of them, even the seemingly evil ones!! Behold the power of GOOD CHARACTERS.

Aaravos though,, I dunno what his intentions are- He looks super cool though.

Ngl he could turn a gay person straight(and vice versa lmao) The fandom is absolutely nuts about him.

(F)Art, Updates, And Everything(not really) In Between! 2!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang