I'm Back!

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Hey, guess who's back?

Random Person: Disney Channel?

No, it's not Disney Channel.

Random Person: Alternate Human Kite?

No, it's not Alternate Human Kite, either.

Random Person: Then who's back?


Random Person: Oh.

Yeah, bet you weren't expecting that-

Anyway, I'm back from my vacation!(Actually, I got back at 9:30p.m. or something yesterday, but I couldn't talk to you guys by then) And as you could probably tell, I was not allowed to bring my tablet on that trip.

So, sorry for lack of communication :>

Speaking of communication, this is what I come

Speaking of communication, this is what I come

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155 notifications. Plus 5 in my inbox. I checked from the computer :>

I am DYING 😂😂😂


You guys are fine, I'm not mad at all! Just a lil' bit overwhelmed XD

Seriously, whenever I see so many notifications, my body starts heating up excessively, it's weird

I'm okay tho 👌

So...I figure you guys want to hear what happened during the 4(?) days I wasn't here, so I'll give you a little breakdown:

It took 4 hours to drive to my cousins' house(the ride wasn't as bad as I thought it would be).

And, the vacation itself wasn't that bad, usually when I'm with my family on a vacation, something terrible and overly dramatic happens(more times than not, it has to do with me because I'm a horrible person), but not this time, so thank the holy Oreos of above :>

Speaking of Oreos, I managed to get my hands on two of them 😂

I don't know what to feel about eating Oreos now

Like, should I feel bad? XDD

Okay, we're getting off the trickety track, back to the subject XD

My brother brought his Axis and Allies board game along so him, my cousin, and I could play.

That board game took up at least a quarter of the time I spent there XDD

Seriously, a game with me and my cousin took 7+ hours 0.o

And by the way, I lost XD

But it turns out I'm still able to interact with human beings in the real world, so yay XDD

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