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Based off of a joke in episode 8-

Based off of a joke in episode 8-

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Gumball: Hey, Fireworks!

Fire Axe: It's Fire-

Fire Axe: It's Fire-

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Gumball: No, no!

Gumball: Fireworks!

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Gumball: Fireworks!

Gumball: Fireworks!

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Fire Axe: Oh.

Aww, how cute XD

Erm, let's kinda flip sides here though, something bad came up last night ;-;

Erm, let's kinda flip sides here though, something bad came up last night ;-;

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You see this?  The rash above my eye?

That appeared just yesterday, I asked my mom and dad, and they're kind of worried it might be a returning infection I had when I was younger.

Of course, that's a huge might, it could just be a rash.

My dad found a letter that he saved from a New Zealand hospital when I had that infection.  I'm gonna directly quote a letter that was typed on the 17th of April, 2009.

"Dear Sir/Madam

(Real name here) is a patient who has been under the care of the Waikato Hospital Eye Clinic since she first presented in December 2000.  That was an acute presentation, but it was noted at that time that she had a large angled convergent squint.  Her acuity has been symmetric being 3/3 on a LEA card matching test.  She had no significant error on retinoscopy and her fundi were healthy.

After a period she underwent surgery on the March 2009 with the procedure being a right and left medial rectus recession of 5mm.

Postoperatively she initially did well with just a small esotropia of perhaps 5 prism dioptres at the initial visit.  Over the subsequent week (approximately 10 days postoperatively) she developed swelling around her left eye which was initially treated as a bacterial infection, but then it became clear that t was in fact primary herpes simplex based on a number of vesicles in the skin and multiple dendritic ulcers developed on the eye.  I might add that at no point was she using topical steroids at all.  She was treated with topical and systematic Acyclovir but the topical Acyclovir proved too difficult to apply.

It is now the 17th of May and therefore three weeks since this operation.  The cornea has substantially cleared with just a small grey healing dendrite inferonasally on the cornea.  The family are about to move to the United States in one weeks time.

I have asked the family to continue using Zovirax 200mg three times a day orally until they get to America and make contact with an ophthalmologist.  It is likely that this can be withdrawn but I would wish an ophthalmologist to examine the cornea and ensure that there was no residual epithelial disease before that judgement is made.

Yours sincerely

John S Dickson

Such a problem child, having this disease right before we moved lmao

Hopefully you could make any sense of that, because I couldn't. X-X

My dad said that it formed there because my body was stressed, or that I wasn't getting enough sleep. 

He also said that both were because I was writing all the time.

Which is kind of true, I literally wrote the rest of the most recent chapter of "Year of the Undead" just New Year's Eve(all the way until 2a.m. lol), but I certainly don't get stressed from writing.

Plus, writing so late into the night like that doesn't happen too often.

The fact that school starts tomorrow(as of the first of you are reading this) doesn't help either ._.

But for now, my mom and dad are just monitoring it and making sure it doesn't get worse.

I'm a little scared though, because if it is back, I'm gonna have to take antibiotics, and maybe surgery, and that's gonna cost quite a bit of money ;-;

I'm just here hoping for the best.

Just thought I'd tell you, in case anything changes or whatever.

It'll be fine, don't worry a single hair about it!

Love you guys, I'll see you later! 💖💖💖

(Also, prepare for a heck ton of screaming next chapter-)

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