Yeet Skeet

116 10 99

(You guys better get used to me swearing XD)

Geez I haven't updated this in a while-

It's almost been a month XDD

Uh, anyway, where do I begin-

I should update more often so I don't forget things rip- XD

Okay first of all, I can't be online from 1AM-11AM Central time hh-

If you do see me on Wattpad or wherever in that time span, I'm on a different device-

But in general, I won't be on from then

Uhh, second-

Living Dream is on a little hiatus

And when I mean little, I mean one year oops-

I'll be prewriting chapters during that time period though(or, knowing me, won't prewrite at all)

Until then, I'll be focusing on the Ask or Dare!

And I also have even more frickin stories I have planned XDD

I also have a few animatic ideas rIP-

(Is it bad that all of them are Object Illusion based?

I feel like it's annoying for me to be so focused on one fandom when you all are mostly II fans hhh-

Sorry, insecurities are talking-)

So yeah, I pretty much have the writing stuff all planned-

If only I had the motivation to actually write anything XDD

I might get a boost over the summer/closer to the end of school though, since some things are stressing me out and eating me from the inside rip-

No need to worry though, I just need to manage my time and not procrastinate on everything(and study rip-) and everything should be okay :>

Wait why did I say that in the first place, forget I said anything about being stressed

Please don't worry about me :>> XD

And uhhh- What elseeeeeee-

Why do I forget everything XD

I gu e s s I have nothing else to say?

I'm probably forgetting something hhmm-

But in any case, this is an art book, so have some art-

These pieces are for a school project(I need to make more, and then color them oof)

And, Rei was so kind to give me advice when I asked for it, and holy shit it made the artwork look so much better-

This is the artwork before:

This is the artwork before:

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