An Arts

104 11 18

I found an old cringy drawing of mine from fifth grade

Don't even deny it, it's bad lmao-




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I was trying to preserve the original poses

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I was trying to preserve the original poses

But then I ran out of room

So that happened XD

Yeet skeet massive improvement ùwú

Also Match your eyebrow is flying off your head-

IfyouwantyoucantagyoutselfinthedrawingI'mNeed lelmao

And also art for someone on Discorddd-

And also art for someone on Discorddd-

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Her left arm isn't proportional reee-

She looks a bit like Connor from DEH too hm

Guess who this is and uhh-

You get a request lmao-

You can ask for a hint uwu

Mkay that's it byee

Love you 💖💖💖

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