Big Noos

195 15 52

Do people in England have a Fourth of July?

Yes, everyone does.  They even have a fifth, and a sixth, and a-

Okay that was stupid lmao-

Anyway, as some may have noticed, I'm less active everywhere, and that's because I have a curfew, plus a specific window where I can be online-

So most of the time when I'm on, it's through PC lol

But I think I'm more productive this way, so yeet-

Also, I'll be in Canada/Alaska until July 17th(you might not see me until the 18th though)

I'm not allowed to bring my tablet though,, so I'll be dead for two weeks yeet-

I'll miss you guys though hbjh

Now I'm sad ;-;

Imma be spammed with notifs when I come back oof

You can't tell right now, but I'm actually pretty excited for Alaska, never been there before owo

And I don't think there'l be any mosquitoes there, haha yes-

So before I go, have a smallll art dump

This one's for OnePunchKnockout

This one's for OnePunchKnockout

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Girl that looks like Popo,, she's Justice Lynn, Kithat fanchild hhhhhhhIloveher-

She's a police officer just like her dad,, so proud QwQ

Other girl is Olivia, Oreocup fanchild, twins(or should I say triplets hehehe-) with Coco and Vanilla Bean

Who is Vanilla Bean?  That's for later-

Olivia is younger by a few minutes though eck

Adorable lesbeans nnn I love-


Since it's Leafy's birthday tomorrow,, I has an early present-

Since it's Leafy's birthday tomorrow,, I has an early present-

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*schyeets away*

Seriously though, love you Leafers, here's to another year of being beautiful, amazing, wonderful you 💖💚

aND last but not least,, it's Independence Day ya heck

The day our founding fathers decided they had enough of King George's bullcrap and wrote an open letter saying "HEY WE'RE INDEPENDENT NOW AND YOU CAN'T DO JACK S Q U A T"

That's 1000% what historically happened, yep-

So I thought,, who better to show our nation's pride than these three dorks?

So I thought,, who better to show our nation's pride than these three dorks?

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Also I just wanted an excuse to draw this, so shu t-


Okay that's it,, love you, byee 💖💖💖

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