*Coughs Out My Vocal Chords*

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Whenever I have a sore throat or something and I'm coughing, I'm always like 'yo what if I coughed up my vocal chords right now' and I don't have an explanation why I think that. Like what would life be like if I couldn't speak?? Or if I couldn't hear? Or see? Idk man

I'm not the only one that thinks this, I know that. My brain isn't that special lmao

But I have been mildly sick so there's that :) I'm getting better though so everything's good

Also like,, okay I'm not always TIRED, but I take naps more than I feel like I should?? Probably because I watch too much YouTube and it isn't stimulating enough to keep me awake 

I guess it's good for me though because I get ~5 hours of sleep average on school nights? But like when I wake up I just want to go back to sleep and eSPECIALLY today I had no motivation for anything- But yknow going downstairs to eat dinner helped :)

And eating apples- better for keeping you awake over coffee. Sugar keeps your brain awake. And fruit's good for me too so there's that :)

I wanna do digital art,, and write and shit bUT I NEVER FEEL LIKE ITTT-

That's actually inaccurate I DO feel like doing it but also I don't and when I do, it's just,, too late like I can't just stay up until 2 or 3, I will fall asleep in class if I do that. Bleh. Looking forward to long weekend and then not doing anything productive because I don't feel like it :))

I have an art project due at the end of the week I'm not even 50% done oh my gOD why do I take so long to do anything godddd 

Anyway here is art

Wait I need to do the challenge thingy before midnight jdkshs I have no IDEAS

Wait I need to do the challenge thingy before midnight jdkshs I have no IDEAS

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I saw this one post on Tumblr and it gave me big Penraser vibes so-

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I saw this one post on Tumblr and it gave me big Penraser vibes so-

I saw this one post on Tumblr and it gave me big Penraser vibes so-

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