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Hello, hi, yes it's a regular update from yours truly-

As everyone here probably knows, school starts soon for me 

And soon means tomorrow

And that means it'll probably eat up a lot of my time(not that it especially matters because I rarely post anyways??)

I feel like I've become more distant this year,, I used to post in this book so often. And I also used to post actual stories more frequently. I'm not sure what happened, but I assure you I am still writing. It's just taking much longer than it should. 

Even if my activity on social media literally dies, I feel like I'll still at least be writing. After all, it's what I joined Wattpad for :/

Okay this sounds depressing time to change the subject

Everything's under control here- I have chapters for this book planned out(I can barely believe there's only 40 more chapters until I need to make a new life book(and that one will have an actual cover!!)), I'll spend a page talking more about my OCs, there'll be a lot of shitposts, art, and maybe funny comics about how my brain works.

I feel like I don't actually talk a whole lot about my life in the life book. Checked some previous chapters and I kinda do, but I feel like it isn't nearly as much as other peoples'. It's not really a problem, some people just don't talk about their personal life (I guess I can fit in this category), and that's fine. Just something I've noticed.

I sure do feel a lot of things lmao- I've started two paragraphs with 'I feel' in this chapter alone.

I may post about what high school is like. I heard the one I'm going to is tougher than college sometimes. Nothing I can't handle :)

But I really do need to fix my sleeping schedule, I slept at 4AM last night for crying out loud.

So, more on these comics. I've wanted to do them for a long time, but wasn't sure on how to present them. I considered giving them a book of their own, but figured I'd be too lazy to post in it. Instead, they'll just be posted here; maybe they'll have a special title designated to those chapters, or maybe they'll just be scattered around. Who knows.

These comics will feature characters that represent my emotions, traits, and just plain mental skills. I think it'llbe clearer once I actually get around to drawing these comics.

Oh, and everyone is my objectsona. Kit Kat's easy to draw, so everyone will just have something that separates them from everyone else. I'll probably make a chapter showing off the lovely personalities in my head.

I feel like that's everything about the comics..let me know if you have questions :>

Also, I want to talk about my stories. I think it's common knowledge I have a lot of them(and with my brother and sister sharing my account, it's become a bit more), and as future arrives, I'll probably have more ideas. Hopefully not though, all I want to do is finish what I have lmao

I will not lie, I have motivations for all of them. I have basic storylines, I know how the story and characters will evolve, and..I guess that's it? Some stories are more planned than others, but most are missing the finer details that make the story a story. Still, I want to see all my little ideas make it out of my drafts. Currently, I am working on one story that I literally started this summer.

(Said story has eight completed chapters so far!! Take THAT, procrastination!)

The plan is, I'll write a story and FINISH it, revising and editing along the way. Then I publish it according to a schedule(maybe a chapter a day, or a few times a week). Why a schedule when I can post all at once? To keep the readers in suspense, of course >:D

And I'll rinse and repeat for every story I have and feel like writing. It'll definitely take a while, and I'm not even that confident I'll be able to finish all of them, but I want to at least try. 

And what's an art book without a piece of art- I haven't been drawing humans lately (trying to perfect my new OC and such), so let's see what I can do.

And what's an art book without a piece of art- I haven't been drawing humans lately (trying to perfect my new OC and such), so let's see what I can do

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Okay not bad. His hair looks flat, but okay overall. 

Okay bye, love you <333

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