Net Neutrality

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Real talk, okay? 

Have you ever heard of Net Neutrality?  If you have, you know what this is all about.  If you haven't, I'll explain to the best of my ability.

...please don't get angry, alright?  This needs to be received calmly.

Net Neutrality doesn't allow Internet Service Providers to block or slow down acess to anything online.  This law has been active since 2015.  And now the government wants to change that.

This means that if the new Net Neutrality rules are accepted, Internet Service Providers will be allowed to make it harder to get to some parts of the Internet.  Whether it be extremely slow loading times, fees, or whatever they wish.

The plan will change everything about the Internet.  Providers could start demanding money from companies for faster service, higher fees for faster service. 

YouTube, Google, Netflix, Wattpad...

If they were to refuse giving the ISP's the money, the ISP's are able to make the service incredibly slow, or block them entirely.

I don't understand the true nature of this issue, so I suggest looking this up yourself.

But going to point, we could possibly lose all this...

I don't think I can possibly survive without all of you guys.  Maybe I'm exaggerating, but I'm really not sure what my life would look like without all of you.

I'm just here hoping for the best.  Hoping these new rules aren't passed, because that would would be devastating to a LOT of people in the U.S.

I think the final verdict will be announced on Thursday...

And, like I've said many times before...

I love all of you.

Even if this does get passed, I'll never forget you guys, and how much memories we made here together.  That's where I'll find the strength to keep going, I think.

I'm really making this much too sappy, aren't I?  I just ruined your day, huh?  Haha, I do that sometimes.

I'll miss you guys

And I'll always love you, okay?  Never give up, I'm counting on you to stay strong!

In any case, let's make the most of our time here.  I don't want these days filled with sadness.

Let's all hope for the best :)

See ya next time, I love you! 💖💖💖

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