Inanimate Corpse Party- Concept Art/Scenes!

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Yoooo what's good

Anyway!! Fanfic voting is officially over, and with a gRAND TOTAL of three votes, Inanimate Corpse Party wins! Once again, thank you to everyone who participated and showed support. I appreciate it very much. 💖💖💖

(To clear discrepancy in regards to the comments, my brother broke the tie between ICP and Complete Silence)

So. Instead of making a passing comment about it in a chapter and then making a separate chapter for book covers/fic talk like I said last chapter, I decided to make a whole chapter for Inanimate Corpse Party, and I will do the same for my other fics in time :) Best of both worlds!!

There's a lot of stuff I actually want to cover but a lot of it is probably spoilers- so I'm gonna avoid talking about that and instead make obscure, cryptic hints :)

So. Current working cover!

I kinda just whipped this together in thirty minutes bc I needed something to show :/ But yeah basic premise is Bow in the middle and the characters "reflected" in glass shards on the sides

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I kinda just whipped this together in thirty minutes bc I needed something to show :/ But yeah basic premise is Bow in the middle and the characters "reflected" in glass shards on the sides. I'm a littttle nervous that the cover might be too chaotic with so much on it, but it's the best I have for now :/

Also it might not reflect what actually happens in-story? Yes, Bow is uh...pretty important to the plot, but ehhhhhh this is like. Your generic cover that just shows the characters or whatever. I don't know, I usually don't make book covers like this.

But uh. Story wise, Inanimate Corpse Party is a crossover AU...sort of? It's Inanimate Insanity characters in a Corpse Party scenario, in the II universe with Corpse Party elements.

Don't know what Corpse Party is? Corpse Party is a game where some high school students perform a friendship charm that sends them to a cursed school filled with the ghosts of people who've died there! It's pretty messed up so be wary when looking up Corpse Party :)

In Inanimate Corpse Party, it's the s1 contestants and eliminated contestants of s2 up to episode 9, minus Taco(bc she's doing her thing in the forest). That's 14 people, OJ, Paper, Pickle, Salt, Pepper, Bomb, Tissues, Cherries, Trophy, Box, Yin-Yang, Apple, Cheesy, and Soap. I specifically did this to give some underdeveloped characters the spotlight!

As fun as it would be to include the rest of the s2 characters, I just,, didn't want to :/ 

Also. BLESS Fan's Fantastic Features and its focus on eliminated contestants because god knows I need it.

But uh. Yeah? These 14 head to Purgatory Mansion for a Halloween party and accidentally go to the alternate dimension, Purgatory, where permanently dead objects forever rest in peace(not).

You see, Purgatory is practically filled with vengeful spirits who despise the living. So you can imagine what happens when living objects are transported here :) 

If you guessed 'they die', you are right! It's called a corpse party for a reason :) And so their whole goal is to get out alive and in one piece, preferably with their sanity intact!

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