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I made an art piece for my friend, Rei.  I think a few of you know her.

  I think a few of you know her

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No matter what you say about yourself, I still love and care for every part of you.  It doesn't matter to me if you are fat or untalented(which you are truly neither), you're still my dearest friend. 

You are alive, and you are well, and things will get better, and I would know.  I've been through a similar journey.  I've seen your days when you've been up high, and that time will come again.

You said you were getting help, but I encourage you to reach out some more.  After all, I'm not the only one who wants you to get better.  No one wants you to end up like so many other people who've gone the same path...

Don't you give up on yourself.

Don't you EVER give up on yourself.

Life is truly worth living in the end.  You are still purposed to walk this Earth.  It isn't worth cutting short everything that could still happen.  Amazing things...beautiful things...miracles...they can still happen. 

And I don't want you to miss any of it.

Stay alive for me.  For everyone.

And most importantly, yourself.

Because you are important.

And a message for everyone...every single person on this Earth...

You are loved.

And others care.

And you aren't alone.

You are a beautiful, living, breathing creature, capable of changing a million lives.

If you ever feel like you are lost, or drowning, or silenced, reach out.  Call. 

Someone will always be there to take your hand and free you.

You are truly loved.  Everyone.

You are loved. 💖💖💖

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