We Interrupt Your Program..-

130 11 57

(Realized this book hit 10k, you guys are amazing, thank you 💖💖💖)

We interrupt your program to bring you tags(also there is a mosquito in the room, send help)

We interrupt your program to bring you tags(also there is a mosquito in the room, send help)

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1. How long have I had Wattpad?

A year and a half! 

2. Why did I join Wattpad?

To read and write--

3. Do I have any IRL friends on Wattpad?

Two, but one is a private account and the other isn't very active.

4. How many books have I published on Wattpad?




5. Do I have any drafts on Wattpad?

Y e s

6. What am I currently reading on Wattpad?

Lots of fanfiction, life stories(do art books count?), books that are made purely for laughter-

And one or two originals :D

7. Do I write fanfic?


Obviously lMAO-

8. Do I write originals?

I want to, I have a few planned-

9. How many tags have I done?

Too many to count, rip-

10. Why did I decide to write what I write on here?

I guess I just..wanted to write fanfiction??  I get these ideas in my head, they have to go SOMEWHERE-

11. Who was the last person I PNd on Wattpad?

The one and only OnePunchKnockout-

12. How many people do I follow on Wattpad?


*checks again*

406 lol-

Hhh I don't wantt to tag 25 people-



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1. Mention who tagged ya


2. Title le chapter

Done 👌

3. Tell a joke


Can a match box

No, but a tin can


4. Say 10 facts about yourself

Hhhhh okay

1. I'm 5' 1''

2. I have a brother who is 15 today

Pretty soon he needs to learn how to drive >:D

3. Thinking about the future can scare me sonetimes

It's crazy to think about how quickly time can pass

4. I'm getting kinda tired right now, but I must finish this

5. I plan on growing my hair really long, then I'll cut it and donate it to cancer patients-

That's a thing you can do, right??

6. I don't like mosquitos

Texas is full of them, you can't go outside for five minutes without getting a bite

Or maybe it's just me lol

7. Apparently I sunburn easily, once I even got a sunburn while indoors(??)

I don't think it's possible to get a sunburn indoors, but it's hilarious to believe

8. I have spots on my forehead that are similar to the ones on my upper back

And I have bruises and scars on my body from when I've accidentally hurt myself or from when others have hurt me

I don't know why I'm saying this, I think I'm running dry on facts lmao

9. Sometimes I'm an emotional mess, other times I feel literally nothing

I don't know why it happens, it's strange

10. There's a big ass mosquito somewhere in my house and I'm super paranoid

Yep that's it--

Not tagging anyone because I really don't feel like it ghvhg

Byeee, love you guys 💖💖💖

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