Haha Now I'm Caught Up With Stuff

100 8 66

Aight it's tag time

Also I literally don't remember who tagged me what so uh yeah XD

Also I literally don't remember who tagged me what so uh yeah XD

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Do you like someone?


Do they like you back?

If I don't like someone how can they like me back lmao

Middle name?

The more I say this the weirder it gets to say-

But it's Xin Jie xd

Single or taken? 

Obviously single lol

Girl best friend?


How am I supposed to choose one here smh

Just know that a lot of you girls out there, you mean a lot to me :>

And my non binary and trans pals too :D

Guy best friend

Can't say his name here, but he's pretty cool!

Fav OTP?

No I legit can't choose

Too many ships that I love lmao

Last person you texted?

LightDancer365 (tags don't work on my phone lol)

Last song you listened to?


I don't r e m e m b e r -

The last one I can recall is "Who Cares If You Exist"

And no not for any edgy or depressing reasons, a friend brought it up and I was curious, so chill lmao

Battery Percentage?

44%, as of writing this.

Lock screen

Uh for some reason I can never see my phone's lock screen anymore XD

So sorry about that oof

Reason you made a Wattpad accout

To read

Yknow, to read FREE BOOKS-

Wattpad why tf would you add coins there are better ways to do this


12/25/04, month, day, year.

I swear if I see ONE person freaking out about my birthday lmao

Tag 20 potatoes

I would but all the potatoes I know are dead :/

Okay moving on to the next onee 

So as I said tags don't work on my phone so I'll have to make do

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So as I said tags don't work on my phone so I'll have to make do

EDIT: please note you don't HAVE to do this, I understand if you don't do tags or anything like that- I only tagged you because I think you're cool, a great friend, or both ;0 And don't worry about not deserving my friendship, I assure you you 1000% have earned and are deserving of my love <3




@PoliceHat_Oi (can't remember their new tag oof)

@InkChara1 (has a different account now but I can't remember her name)
















Now just because I didn't mention certain people doesn't mean I love them any less >:0

Bye, love all you guys 💖💖💖

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