By The Way, Othello is Ridiculous

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Me combining two title ideas into one:

Me combining two title ideas into one:

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..wait that's the wrong meme-

Bro I have a headache and it sUCKS- I,, do not feel like doing anything but I need to do things I stg

So Spooptober is over and I haven't finished the 30 day challenge because I felt uninspired for one day and then proceeded to continously put it off because I'm terrible like that-

Also yknow,, schoolwork but that's completely unrelated.

Speaking of which, Halloween was pretty fun. I was out for two hours and my hands were pretty much freezing until I came back home, at which point my nervous system started freaking out bc of the temperature difference and my hands burned like heck for a few minutes

But I got a bag full of candy so it was worth it.

But I mean nothing interesting has been really happening so not much to talk about?? School is getting busier and Geometry gives me headaches but that's pretty much what I would expect.

So I'm getting straight to the point here, I've been watching DanPlan recently and I lOVE THEIR CHANNEL. They're really funny, and they're super enjoyable to watch, and their dynamic is just yes like,, every video pretty much ends in chaos at some point lmao

Go support them!! Videos are generally around 10-15 minutes so it's easily bingeable! They do vlogs and survival scenarios and what ifs and it's just always a good time! 

You may have also noticed 'Othello' in the title- It's a William Shakespeare play and I thought I'd share some of the comic summary here because just,, okay just look-

You may have also noticed 'Othello' in the title- It's a William Shakespeare play and I thought I'd share some of the comic summary here because just,, okay just look-

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(Look at his,, fuckin face akjjh)

(Look at his,, fuckin face akjjh)

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Rip Roderigo hahagaha 

Prime example of a caption this picture

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Prime example of a caption this picture

Prime example of a caption this picture

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yeah lmao

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..yeah lmao

Lots of people die :)

Okay so I've been messing around with my stories, changing the titles of some, deleting others,, yadayada. I didn't do anything to the stories that are published, just the drafts. 

I hate that I don't write as much as I used to, and I mean I still write oneshots so that is some actual content, but multichapter stories are the main things that have been collecting dust and I want to write those but every time I do I end up hitting a block in the story and then just..leave it. I'm really just overreacting and if I just get off my ass, I can actually get things done. Hhh

Speaking of things I hate-

Also I want like,, real answers to this

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Also I want like,, real answers to this. No "I hate that you're so good at ___" please! I want real criticism, on anything I do! Like you can tell me something you don't like about the way I write, or how I draw, or how I say things/act, or things concerning my activity here,, seriously it can be anything. 

OH WAIT ALSO I forgot to introduce one of my kitsonalities from last time!! This last one is Kindness(no pic because lazy), she's responsible for just being nice to everyone and also keeping people like Anger  in check. 

And I think that's it- Bye,, love you guys <333

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