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This isn't a vent I PRoMisE-

They're just...analogies?

And I literally came up with them on the spot-

I like analogies, it kinda makes you think.

Okay here goes nothing-

The Rollercoaster of Life

Life is a rollercoaster.  Rollercoasters can be scary, and they can be thrilling.  They can go slow, and they can go fast.  They can have you screaming, whether it be for good or bad.  They sometimes make you wanna puke, they leave you dizzy, they go round and round and round and it never stops, even when you're so scared you can't even cry out.

The rollercoaster of life does many things to you.  You could perhaps fly off, an accident that never should've happened, had one been more careful.  Sometimes you never want to close your eyes.  Sometimes you shut your eyes and never want to open them again.  Sometimes you just wish it was all over.

There are people there, people who will experience the rollercoaster with you.  Sometimes they may stick with your car and be with you throughout the entire ride.  They may deviate from you and never come back.  Or they might come back later.

Life can be scary.  Life can be thrilling.  Life can be crazy.  Life can be relaxing.  Life can be all twists and turns.  Life can be uphill or downhill.  Life can leave you screaming and crying.  Life can leave you yelling in joy.  Life can be exhilarating and fun and amazing.  Life can leave you stuck and calling for help.  Life can leave you scarred and terrified.  Life can leave you wanting more.

But life is always one heck of a ride.

Darkness and Flames

You're in a place.  Doesn't matter where, you're somewhere.

Day turns to night. 

You have a fire, sparking in front of you, burning bright.

The night seems to last forever.

The flame is dying.

You're scared.  You're alone.  You're afraid of what happens when the fire dies.

You're also afraid of what will happen if you leave to get more firewood.  It's so dark.  Who knows what will happen.

Something might attack you, steal you away into the night.  Not a trace is left except for blood and bones.

Are you still afraid?  Do you want to go out into the night and try to find something to keep you going? 

Maybe you're not afraid of death anymore.  Do you accept it?  That'll die in the dark with no one else around you?

Or would you like to stay with your flame, and try to get it going again with what little you have?  Sometimes this works.  But most of the time, you're left to cry as the embers die out.

It's too dark.  You can't see a thing.  It's cold.  You're alone.  You're crying and calling for help, but everything seems so futile at this point.

You're considering giving up.  This was a mistake.  You're going to die out here, and there isn't even anyone to help.

A light.  In the distance.

You figure it's a figment of your imagination, and you ignore it.  But the light gets closer.  Another light joins in, and another, and another.  So many lights, all so distant.

You don't believe your eyes.  Still, you don't approach the lights.

The lights advance towards you.  They're actually torches.  And then you see faces, illuminated by the light.

The faces of people you know.  Your friends.  The people who care about you.  They're all here, each holding a torch that brightens up the whole area.  They plant the lights in the ground, the flames burning strong and bright.

They each take a seat next to you, hugging you, saying it's okay, and to not be scared.  They say they're always right here if you need help.  Just call, and they will come. 

You take a look at everyone around you.  The clearing is filled with voices of positive words.  It's warm.  Not just outside, but inside of you.

And you feel a flame blazing inside of you.

You're not alone anymore.

Uh....hope you enjoyed? :>

I have a habit of being really deep sometimes...guess it slipped lmao-

The last one was barely even an analogy, it was a story that's extremely metaphorical-

But, uh...I'd like to hear some of your analogies in the comments, if you please!  Or just a story, lmao I don't mind.  I love hearing from you guys :3

I gotta do chores--

Bye, love you! 💖💖💖

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