My Essay On...Oreos?

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Remember when I said I would make a part in this book about the information I found on Oreos?


So have some facts I bet you didn't know about Oreos!

1. Origin

I couldn't find it, so my brother looked it up and found it in one minute XD

Oreos were first made in Manhattan, New York.  And on March 6th, 1912, the creators of the Oreo, Nabisco, sold one to a Hoboken grocer.  Some time later, Oreos became widely known, and are a supremely popular snack food! 

Fun fact, Oreos are actually a knockoff of the cookie Hydrox, a cookie made in 1908.  The reason why practically no one knows about this is because Nabisco was just able to outperform Sunshine, the creators of Hydrox.

Another fun fact, the Oreo was released with two other cookies, Mother Goose Biscuits and Veronese Biscuits.  Both were discontinued after a few years.(I NOW HAVE A HEADCANON THING SCREAM-)

2. What's In A Name?

From Oreo Biscut in 1912, to Oreo Sandwich in 1921, and Oreo Creame Sandwich 1937 to the official name of today, Oreo Chocolate Sandwich Cookie, in 1974.  But besides all the name changes, it has most commonly been referred to as 'Oreo.'

But, the origin for the name 'Oreo' is a total mystery.  Some people say Oreo comes from the French word for gold, which is 'or.'  Gold was the earlier color of the packets the Oreo came in, so this theory makes sense.

Another origin story is that Oreo is derived from the Greek word mountain because of its hill shaped test version. 

Other people say Oreo got its name from taking the 're' out of 'cream' and putting it in between the two o's in chocolate, making the word Oreo.

And some say Oreo is called Oreo simply because it's easier to say than 'Oreo Chocolate Sandwich Cookie.'

3. Just How Popular?

Oreos are no doubt, the most best selling cookie in the world.  Ever since their debut in 1912, over 450 BILLION Oreos have been sold worldwide!  They are marketed in more than 100 countries, and if you lined all the Oreos made in a straight line along the equator, they could circle the earth 381 times!  If one were to stack them, they would reach to the moon and back at least 5 times!

And, in a study in 2013, researchers said that Oreos may just be as addictive as cocaine.  They were studying of high sugars on lab rats, and found that Oreos activated the pleasure centers of a rat's brain more than cocaine!

Very strange.

4. In Different Flavors

Along with the original flavor, lemon meringue Oreos were released, but then discontinued in 1924. 

However, a variety of flavored Oreos are found around the world, such as the Halloween and Christmas edition Oreos.  Green Tea Oreos can be found in China, and dulche de leche and banana Oreos are sold in Argentina.  There was also a birthday cake limited edition to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Oreos.

Heck, there are even Cookie 'n Cream Oreos!  Literally Oreo flavored Oreos!

5. They Used To Be Made With WHAT!?

Indeed, the original recipe for Oreos needed pig lard, otherwise known as PIG FAT.

The fat caused health concerns though, so they made Oreos vegan in the U.S in 2013 or 2014.  :>

6. Additional Facts!

The ratio of cookie to cream in a normal Oreo is 71% to 29%.  The ratio obviously changes depending on whether you're looking at a double stuff or thin.

In the earlier days of Oreo, they were sold by how much they weighed.  They cost 30¢ per pound back then!

Oreos were first made in 1912, and it's 2017.  This means Oreos are 105 years old! 

..and THAT is my research on Oreos XDDD

Hopefully you enjoyed that Oreo history lesson!

And before I forget, I got my information from ThoughtCo.,, foxnews, and

I can't properly cite anything, I don't have internet access at the time I'm writing this XD

So, that happened!  See you next time, love you! 💖💖💖

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