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Welp, I've got nothing better to do XD

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Welp, I've got nothing better to do XD

Have you ever...

1. Skipped class?
Ummm...if you mean by needing to go to an appointment or being sick, then yes XD

2. Done drugs?
Bruh, who do you think I am?


3. Self-harmed?
Well this got personal.

Just once.

But never again.

4. Drank?
...I'm underage XD

5. Shop-lifted?
Uh...can I tell you a secret?

Actually, no, wait, nevermind..

Just ignore that XD

6. Gotten a tattoo?
Does drawing on yourself count? XD

7. Broken up with someone?
No :>

What's your favorite...

8. Show?
Too many to count XD

9. Movie?
Again, too many to count XD

10. Song?


11. Artist?

12. Singer/Band?
I have too many favoritesss

13. Memory?

14. Book?

This or that...

15. Invisibility or ability to fly?


16. Cookies or cake?
Both XD

17. Twitter or Facebook?
Wattpad XD

18. Coke or Sprite?
Umm..I don't drink either XD

19. Blind or deaf?I
Deaf, do you know the sheer annoyingness I have to deal with everyday?

But then again, I wouldn't be able to hear episodes of object shows, or hear music...


20. Tea or Coffee?
Tea :>

What's your...

21. Age?
12, turning 13 in a few months :>

22. Sign?

Even tho I'm supposed to be a Sagittarius XD

23. Height?
At least 5 feet XD

24. Sexual orientation?
I'm unsure, so I say I'm bi :>

Hey, you never know XD

25. Longest relationship?

Does a relationship with a fictional character count..?

What's your opinion on...

26. Gay rights?
Gay people need to have the same rights as every other person in the world.

At the end of the day, we're all still people :>

27. Second chances?
Everyone deserves a second chance, it's up to them to decide if they want to betray your kindness again. 

It's hard to give another chance to someone who was once awful, but they might be a good person inside :>

28. Long distance relationships?
If you are able to keep a long distance relationship, that is AWESOME.  It's sad to see lovers separated like that, but a long distance relationship really shows off the power of love :)

29. Abortion?
You literally have a life in your hands.

You know you can't take care of the baby, but you don't want to murder it.

What do you do?

Personally, it depends on the situation.  I mean, if at all possible, don't abort the baby, but if the circumstances are that hard...

Then I don't blame them...

30. The death penalty?

No no no no no no no.

This is cruel beyond words.  No one should be given the death penalty.  Just...no.

31. Marijuana?
Isn't that a drug or something..?

Don't do drugs, ever.

It's for the better.

Hey look, I rhymed XD

32. Love?
If you're able to fall in love, great.  If you're able to hold a long lasting love with someone else who loves you back, that's amazing.

Love is a miracle, and it's something to always cherish. 

Everyone finds a special someone eventually.  But it doesn't have to be a real person.

If you find something you truly love, then that's good enough :)

Do you...

33. Believe in ghosts?
I don't really know.  Maybe :>

34. Sleep with the door opened or closed?
My doors are closed XD

35. Have a bf/gf?
Do fictional characters count?

36. Like yourself?
I don't know :>

For the most part, yes XD

Welp, that's a little about me, I guess XD

Later dudes, love ya 💖💖💖

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