Yay Quarantine Update(+Art)

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I've held off making this chapter because to put all of the images here, I have to switch between using my phone and tablet and that's a bit inconvenient so I just,, procrastinated.

Anyway I think this is the first "real" update chapter since the whole quarantine stuff started so,, yeah- It feels like I'm one of the few that aren't going crazy staying inside all day tbh. Technically I have things to do every day? I don't remember most of what I do though lmao

I heard somewhere not remembering what you did is a sign of sleep deprivation? Reduction in cognitive function. But I am actually getting eight hours of sleep now because I don't physically go to school anymore, so I don't see the problem. Whatever lmao I don't think it matters

Man I wanted to talk about so many things but I put this off for so long I can't think of them right now. 

Here's some speculation, sort of. I thought of some challenge ideas for bfb, regarding their new terrain. Like, they could zipline, or rock climb, or even things like hide-and-seek- I also thought of this thing called "Ultimate Telephone" where, it's just normal telephone, but the constants do it on the rock columns, so they're pretty far away from each other, and idk that could potentially be really funny-

Oof sorry if I sound tired from the way I type. It's 4AM as I'm writing this and I don't feel like being energetic. Which,, is weird because usually I have more energy at night. Actually, I'm not tired per se, just not feeling too lively. Yeah, that's it.

And yknow I'd stay up all night if I could, but my dad sometimes wakes up and goes downstairs to do work, and I don't like being caught up too late. It's scary when the door suddenly just bursts open. Usually the safe time is 4am, but I'm really pushing my luck here. It's 4:17 at the time I'm writing this.

Online school is uh,, it's something. It's easy work, but I just don't like it as much? Whatever. What was the point of writing about online school again ffs

Anyway you guys didn't come here to read all of this right. Art time :)

 Art time :)

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