Title Change?

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I woke up at πa.m. today because of a dang stuffy nose XDDD

I've been thinking about changing the title of 'Chemical Bond' for a while now, and I think I've come up with a pretty good name :0

How do you guys feel about 'Living Dream'?

Some of you may like it, and some might totally hate it XDDD

I do have my reasons though, if anyone wants to listen.

Living Dream is more suited to the main elements in the story, dreams and memories.  i.e Heartbreaking Memory, Thalk's recurring dreams, Fan's constant reminder of Test Tube, stuff that'll spoil the book.  This new title also goes well with the cover I have in mind for the book, and the title itself sounds more sophisticated.

Chemical Bond was thought of during the more early stages of the book, and isn't that creative or reflecting of what this book really is.  While I DID have ideas that related to this title, they no longer make sense when I think about them.  Chemical Bond was really more of a placeholder title.

...now that I'm actually talking about it, I want to change the title even more XDDDD

However, I will leave it to you to decide, because I don't want to accidentally upset or confuse anyone by changing the title of probably my best fanfiction :P

I don't even know which book is the best I've written lmao-

So vote in the comments of whether or no you want me to change the title!

And one more thing-

I was also thinking of changing Thalkia's name to something more object-related.

Seriously, a human name in a object-human world, who does that-

I was thinking of changing her name to Talc, like the mineral.  Her aunt and uncle have mineral names, and Talc sounds like the nickname Fan has already given her, Thalk.

But again, it's up to you guys, so vote on this too!

Okay, so recap-

Vote in the comments if you want Chemical Bond to be changed to Living Dream

And vote in the comments if you want Thalkia's name to be changed to Thalk.

Or, suggest names and titles in the comments, I'm open to suggestions!

That is all, I love you guys! 💖💖💖

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